38 (Kill you)

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Jin pov

"Is everything alright? Our prince and the baby are ok?" King asked the royal doctor. I just woke up and throw my breakfast out. And king quickly called the royal doctor.

"Your highness no need to worry. This vomittings are ok for pregnant people. Our prince used to have it before too."
"You said it is in the early stage of pregnancy. It is about 5 months now. You yourself told us now you are saying it is a common thing?" The doctor bowed.

"Your highness! I said it is more in the early months of pregnancy. But it can happen even the late times near giving birth too."
"Your highness I am fine please don't worry." I told him and smile making him to know I am ok. He has lots of stress. I must calm him down.

"Ok! Bring great prince's medicines. You must check prince more often. Our prince needs extra care."
"Yes your highness!"
"Prince Beomgyu brought some plants which helps in our prince's health and strength use them as well."
"Yes your highness!"
"You can leave now."

They then went. He quickly sat beside me and caressed my back.
"Are you ok? Are you doing fine?"
"I am fine! I told you it is ok. It happened before few days ago I-"
"What it happened before?" I put my hand on my mouth.

"Seokjin answer me."
"Just few times. Your highness I am fine."
"You must tell everything to me what if-"
"Ahhhhhh you are making me tired. I'm fine. But if you keep nagging I feel you are taking air from me." He sighed.

"Sweetheart I am worry for you." I smiled and caressed his cheek.
"I am fine! We are fine."
"Your highness! Silla's embassodor ma'am Nayeon's here." Kai cam ein and said. I looked at Jungkook.
"Nayeon's here."
"Tell prince Beomgyu and princess Daehyun to greet her."

Beomgyu pov

"I didn't know I must greet the person who I hate the most."
"Me too! I wish I could kill her." She said with greeted teeth.
"Daehyun control yourself and don't act immature."
"Hey I am older than you I know what to do."
"Very good princess."

We then reached them and bowed to eachother.
"Long time no see you prince and princess."
"Well we were not interested in seeing you seems king Yogeom's busy with his cursed destiny. I wonder how you came. I heard you just lose another baby." She greeted her teeth but smiled.

"I am all fine. And our king is busy with government issues."
"I see!" She looked straight into my eyes. I know how much she hates me. I arrested her father and she surely is thinking about revenge.

"Accompany ma'am and her group."
"Yes your highness!"
"How are king and great prince?" She asked before leaving.
"Doing well."
"Congratulation! I heard prince Seokjin's pregnant. I wish he gives birth to Gurio's next crown prince."

"He will!"

Daehyun pov

"Here here and here. We must double the guards around king and prince Seokjin. Nayeon's here which is not safe for prince and the fact she knows he is pregnant is dangerous. Prince I wish you haven't told about her giving birth to dead babies." Prince Sehun said.

"Why prince Sehun?"
"I know you wanted to show how low she is but it'll make her greedy to do somrthing to prince Seokjin. We must be careful. Check everything and everyone that come to prince Seokjin's palace."

"We must check the foods as well. Nothing happened in these two days that the guests came but we must be sure." I said.
"I heard the royal nurse do it."
"So in that ca-"
"Your highness!" Taehyun came.
"What is this?"
"One of the cooks of prince Seokjin's cooks is dead. We found her in a big box in the statement."

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