3 (Proposal)

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Taehyung pov

"Your highness!"
"Come in!" My valet came inside and bowed.
I looked at him.
"What is this?"
"Your highness Gurio's embassodors and crown prince are coming to castle."

"Yes your majesty."
"Go and call prince Jimin prince Seokjin and princess Jisoo. We must greet them." He bowed.
"Yes your majesty."

"Bring my silky cape with the dragon sign and my crown."
"Yes your majesty." He bowed and I got up and in that time the other maids came in.

This meeting is very important and will effect in the bond of countries. Gurio and Bakjae had a smooth connection cause our kings are cousins. But we cannot gaurantee future.

"Your highness your belt." I opened my arms so they can make it correct for me.
And the last thing my crown.
"Alright we have to go." The bowed and all of them came after me.

As I came out I saw my husband in the most beautoful way. The beautiful Silver silky cape with the golden flowers on it was really beautiful on him. He bowed as he saw me.
"Your majesty."
I smiled.

"Let's go!" He bowed again and came after me.
In that time I saw my sister with her maids coming. She smiled and came to me and bowed.
"Hello your highness!"
"Wow prince Jimin don't you think princess Jisoo is getting more beautoful each day?" She giggled.

I wonder where is Seokjin! He must come soon.
"Your highness!" I saw my valet.
"Yes?" He bit his bottom lip.
"Your highness prince Seokjin's valet said he went....out of...the castle today." I sighed.

"I know father allowed him but why today? He knew Gurio's crown prince is coming."
"Sir his maids told me he said he will be here soon but they don't know what took him out this much." I sighed. I'm sure he is just going around and eating different things that are not in castle.

"Go and tell consular Namjoon to tell to my father. King and great prince must know this so we can handle until prince comes." He bowed.
"Yes your majesty." He then went.

"Ah I wonder what is this exciting for him in out of castle." Jimin chuckled.
"You know prince Seokjin your majesty. He is like this. He likes adventure more he helps people alot. And to be honest being in this big castle is boring most of the times." I looked at my husband who had a weak smile.

"So it means our prince is bored here?" He chuckled.
"You can say this too."
"You must have told me. I will take you out more. I am really sorry honey."
He smiled.
"It is ok! Don't think too much about it." I hold his hand and caressed it.

"Brother where is Gurio?" My sister asked and I looked at her.
"Gurio is a big country in the north. Their king is our father's cousin. Our grandmother great queen and their queen were sisters." She nodded.
"So it means they are kind of our family?"
"Kind of!" She nodded.

"Their dresses are like us?"
"Why are you asking this Jisoo?" She pouted.

"The royal teacher always talks about the differences of our culture with other countries. He said their clothes and their hair models are different from us."
"Bakjae and Gurio are alot like eachother. Just the clothes of the governers and guards are different. But the royal family dresses doesn't have alot of differences."

"Ahhh in that case I will marry a prince that his ocuntry uses simple hair models for their queen." I looked at Jimin who was suppressing his laughter.
"Look at my hair. I must always use lots of hair pins and stuffs and use differnet modles they are beautiful but sometimes my head hurts." We chuckled as she said that.

"Princess Jisoo it shows the power of a princess." Jimin said and she nodded.
"Yeah I know your majesty."

One of our guards cam eto us.
"Your majesty Gurio's crown prince and their embassodors are near great castle." I nodded and we went there. The last time I saw him we were child. I am 2 years older than him. I wonder how he didn't get marry till now.

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