9 (Broke)

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Jin pov

I wonder why prince Beomgyu acted like that with that girl.
"Wendy!" She bowed.
"Yes your majesty?"
"Who was that girl?" She bit her bottom lip. So it is something.

"Which girl your maj-"
"You excatly know which girl. Now tell me who is that girl or I myself will find it." She bowed.
"Your majesty!"
"Wendy tell me. I am your master!" She breathed deeply.

"Your highness! She...she is....Park Nayeon! Crown prince's lover!" What? I couldn't believe what I heard.
"Your highness I am just saying what I heard from the others. Prince Jungkook loves her alot and she always comes to crown prince's palace."

My eyes got teary. My soon to be husband loves someone else? Then why he married me?
"You sure ab...about....it Wendy?" She bowed.
"Your highness I heard it from the others. But no need to worry. I'm sure queen will stop her. Her father was a betrayal. He sold Gurio's secret information to Chinese." How prince Jungkook loves someome like her?

So my husband loves someone else! But....but maybe....he fell for me when he saw me yeah? Yes! It is why he is going to marry me.

Beomgyu pov

"Great prince saw Nayeon!"
"What?" Daehyun asked.
"You heard actually."
"What if he finds who is she?" I shook my head.

"I don't know! Ahhhhh we have to do something."
"Beomgyu let me kill her an-"
"What do you mean? It is worse in that way. We must find something to show prince she is just someone who is thristy for power."
"How? How can we find that?" I sighed.

"I don't know! I am following her. I am sure it is something with her and Silla. It was why she went there."

"Beomgyu what if it becomes late? The royal wedding is near. You know after that prince Jungkook can marry anyone."
I sigehd and closed my eyes.
"It won't happen! I won't let it happen."

"What you wanna do?"
"Queen! No one will be accepted as the great prince or prince's other sife or husband if queen don't accept her or him."

Jungkook pov

"Your highness! The great prince is here."
"Tell him come in!" He then came in and bowed. I stood up and went to him.
"Sit!" He nodded and we both sit.
"Your highness! It is late I got worry for you! Did you have your dinner?" He asked.

"I had alot to do today. I will eat something."
"Your highness you must take care of yourself. Gurio and the people needs you." I nodded.
"I brought tea for you. It'll calm you down." He said and poured some tea in my glass.

I took the glass and drank the tea.
"Thank you! It was delightful." He smiled.
"Are you comfortable here?" He nodded.
"Yes! Everything's really good."
"You must be ready for the wedding."
"Yes your majesty!"
I don't think his smile fade for a second. How can he smile all the time?

"Your highness!" I came out of my thoughts when he called me.
"Ummm....I wanted to ask if I can go out of the castel." I then remembered the time I saw him for the first time in Bakjae.

"Your highness I like to know Gurio more and learn about this country and see people's problems myself."
"You know how to defend yourself?" He bit his bottom lip. From his fragile body I can say he even cannot carry a sword.

"Your highness my guard is with me. She will take care of me." I don't see any problem. He won't hurt someone by just going out of teh castel.

"Ok! You can go then!" He smiled and bowed his head.
"Thank you your highness!" I then remembered I promised Nayeon I will go to her and see her.
"You can now go to your palace."
He looked at me.
"Ummmm....your highness won't you come to my palace and have your dinner? It is a week I am here but you never came."

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