42 (Born)

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Irene pov

I looked at king who was walking back and forth. It was two hours we were waiting and he still was on labor.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jungkook swallowed as heard Jin's screamings.
"Is he ok? I mean he is screaming....my prince has he has so much pain I must go to him." He was about to go when Beomgyu stopped him.
"Your highness king cannot go to his husband or wife when he or she is giving birth."
"It is hilariouse my prince is-"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhh!" His eyes got widened open.
"Just let this finish the first rule I will change is this redi-"
"Ahhhhhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhh!" The nurses were coming out and go in with cloths and water.

"They were....b-bloody....bl-"
"Your highenss!" They all got Jungkook as he wasabout to fall!
"Mother!" I hold his ahnds.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jin was crying and screaming. I can say how sad and worry king was.

"I need to go! I don't care any rules."
He then went inside the room without listening to us.
"Let him go!" I topd everyone as they were about to stop him.
"It is fine it is his right!"

Jin pov

"Your highness push alittle more I can see his head." The doctor said.
"Your highness breathe deeply 1 2 3 12 3." I looked at Wendy who was trying to help me. I gripped the clothes which were around my hand and tried my best to push.


Jungkook pov

I was about to faint when saw how he was giving birth. Sweat all over his red face. And his clothes were bloody. He was screaming his lungs out gripping the cloth.

"Seokjin!" I quickly went to him.
"Yoru highness!" The doctor and nurses bowed.
"Do your work I will stay."
"Your highness it is-"
"I said I will stay. My prince has pain come on!" They bowed.

"Your...hi....high....ness!" I caressed Seokjin's face.
"Seokjin you can do it! Our baby will soon be here." He smiled and nodded. I caressed his face and pecked his lips.
"Your highness alittle more the baby is coming out."

"Your highness the baby is coming out please alittle more." He was tired and panting.
"Breathe look at me breathe deeply."

Irene pov

I smiled as heard the baby's cry.

Jungkook pov

"Your highness cogratulation! Our prince is completely healthy." The doctor said and bowed. So he is a boy.

Irene pov

"A boy?"
"Yes your highness!" Beomgyu looked at me happily.
"Mother our crown prince is borned!" I smiled and nodded.
"Tell them to announce it in the acstel and city! Our crown prince is borned."
"Yea your highness!"

Jungkook pov

I smiled as hold my son in my arms. I chuckled as tears were falling. He is too fragile and beautiful. And like me.

"You are so much like me." I said and caressed his cheeks. I looked at Jin who was slepeing. I can say he was so much tired.
"Baby I love you so much!" I kissed his little hand.

In that time my mother entered.
I bowed.
"Mother!" She came to me and looked at my son.
"Ah..he is so....adorable." I smiled and nodded.

She looked at Jin and went to him.
"How's prince Seokjin?"
"Your highness he fell asleep as he gave birth. His labor was long it took 3 hours."
She caressed his face.
"Take care of our prince he must get his strength back." I handed my son to the nurse and went to Seokjin.

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