45 (Love)

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Jungkook pov

"How is our prince?" I asked the doctor as he came out Jin's room. He bowed.
"Your highness! It was cause of shock! You said he heard prince Baekhyun died so I think he heard that and by his condition he fainted."

"Is something wrong with the baby?"
"I checked him the baby is fine but prince must take care of himself. I will bring him a medicine."
"Ok go and bring it now!" He bowed.
"Yes your highness!" He then went.

"Sorry your highness it is my fault." I looked at Moonbyul.
"It was better to tell it when I was in my room but don't blame yourself."
"Father!" I looked at Jungseok.
"Yes my prince!" I hold him in my arms.
"Appa was sleeping." He said and pouted.
"Sweetheart appa is alittle tired. Let's go inside and see appa hmmm?" He nodded.

I kissed his cheek and we entered the room seeing Wendy cleaning Jin's face with a cloth.
"Your highness!"
"You can leave now." She bowed and went out.

"Appa!" Jungseok wiggled from my hold and went to Jin who was unconsious.
"Appa sleeping."
"Yes baby! He will wake up soon." He nodded and then kissed Jin's cheek.
"Appa Jungseok loves you." He said and kissed him again.

Jin pov

I opened my eyes and saw Jungseok looking at me with a pout and glassy eyes.
"Appa appa!"
"Jin sweetheart!" I looked at Jungkook and he came to me. I then remembered what I heard. My appa!

"My..... appa!" Jungkook sighed.
"I am sorry for that." I let my tears fall. It was 3 months ago we were in Bakjae.
"I even....wasn't next to him....when he died." He wiped my tears.
"Sweetheart don't bother yourself. Think about our baby. I loved prince Baekhyun so much but we must....accept it."

I touched my belly. My baby doesn't have any fault I must not put him in danger. But the painof losing appa is so much.
"We must go to.... Bakjae." He nodded.
"I will talk to the doctor. As soon as you become ok we will go."
"I want to go as soon as we can."

Chanyeol pov

I looked at Baekhyun who was sleeping infront of me. Forever!
"Father it is a day you are here and haven't eaten."
"He will....wake up. He told me he will....stay beside me forever. He must not....leave me like this."

"Sweetheart wake up! Look at me. It is me Chanyeol. Wake up. I wanna hear you."
"Appa!" I looked at Jisoo. She was crying and Taehyung was holding her in his arms.
"Jisoo!" She looked at me.
"Come here." She nodded and came to me.

I hold her tightly.
"Ap...ap...appa!" She cried out loud. She is still young and it is hard for her.
"Sweetheart appa....went to a....better place. Now we must say our goodbyes to him."
"I will miss him."
"We all miss him but now your appa....doean't have....pain anymore." I kissed her head.

She went near Baekhyun and bowed.
"Sleep peacefully! Appa!"
Sleep peacefully my love!

Taehyung pov

"Ah prince Seokjin didn't make it to come for saying goodbye for the last time to appa. He must be sad." Jimin said and sighed.
"Prince Jungkook sent a letter. He is pregnant and fainted when he found about appa's death. They will come when Jin is completely ok." He nodded.

"Ah it must be hard for him. Being pregnant and hearing this new." I sighed and nodded.
"Your highness!" I looked at him.
"Yes?" He bit his bottom lip.

"The....governers....are thinking about....filling appa's place." I looked at him.
"What?" My appa just left us and they are thinking about someone else in his place.
"Your highness! I am sorry but they are right. Great prince's place must not be empty. As much as a country needs a king it needs a great prince or queen too." I sighed.

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