35 (Taking air)

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Jin pov

"Your highness! This is the third orphanage. I am really happy!" I smiled and nodded.
"Yes! Now three cities have orphanage. Princess be sure all of them have what they need."
"Yes your highness!"
"Prince Sehun!"
"Yes your highness!"

"Go all over the border cities and collect the orphans and bring them to our orphanages. You can use our army." He bowed.
"Yes your highness!"
"You can go now." They all bowed and went out.

I sat on the bed and massaged my back. These days I fell super tired and I don't know why.
"Ah your highness you work alot. It is 5 months you became the great prince but doing 8 times more than past."
"Wendy people need us so I have no other option than protecting my people and king."

"But you must rest as well." I nodded and smiled.
"I will! Did you manage everything for queen's birthday?"
"Yes your highness! Prince Beomgyu is doing everything as you said." I nodded.

"Good you are doing really good." I then stood up from my seat. Something came in my mind.
"Ahhh I really am craving that sweets." Even thinking about eating them melts my heart.
"Your highness I can go out to city and buy some for you." I hold her hands.
"Can you?"
"Yes..... your highness!" I smiled.
"Ahhh thank you! You are the best valet."

"Your highness I always go and buy you that sweets. But you never act like this." She said and thought
"Ummm....I don't know but I really want to eat them now."

Jungkook pov

"So the army is doing well in the borders?"
"Yes your highness they are in 5 groups and defending layer by layer."
"Good be sure everyone are doing their best."
"Yes your highness!"
"You can go now!" They bowed and went.

I entered my palace and quickly went to Seokjin's palace.
I got shocked as saw all of his maids out.
"Why all of them are out?"
"I don't know your highness."

I went to them and one of them bowed.
"Your highness!"
"Why all of you are out? What if prince wants soemthing?" I asked her.
"Your highness we all were there for great prince like always in the halway but he suddenly camw out of his room and told we are taking his space and he feels warm and we are taking the air and he cannot breathe. So he told all of us to come out." She said and whispered the last sentence.

"What?" I got shocked as I heard this.
"Tell him I am here."
"Your highness king Jungkook enters." I entered his room and got shocked as saw him laying on the bed pouting and sniffling.

"Seokjin!" He got up and bowed.
"Your highness!"
"What is this? Is something bothering you." He tightened his brows.
"Where were you?"
"You don't love me anymore. You didn't come and see me this morning. Ahhh I knew all of your words are lie. You leave me alone in this room all the time. You don't love me anymore. I am sure you have plan to marry someone else and bring a second wife."

My mouth was opened.
"How...how did you make this story?" He turned to me with tightened brows.

"Ahhhhh I cannot breathe you are taking the air of the room. I don't love you! You don't love me anymore." He said and laid on the bed again.
I laid beside him and hold him in my arms.
"Sweetheart I was just busy. You know you mean world to me."
He didn't say anything. What happened?

"Your highness it is me Wendy I brought your sweets!" He suddenly got up and ran to his door like a child.
"Ahhhh thank youuuuu!" He sat on the chair and started eating sweets happily. Is he the onr who was making a tantrum?

"You want some?" He asked me and I shook my head.
"You sure you are fine?"
"Yes except you are taking my room's air."
"It is hot! There is no air in the room I cannot breathe." He said and ate.
"Seokjin how can I and the maids take the air from you and not let you breathing?" He didn't say anything and kept eating sweets. I wonder how fast he eats.

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