6 (Power)

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Jungkook pov

I was looking at the sky. Tomorrow I will go back to Gurio and after two weeks he will join me. Yeah prince Seokjin my fiance.
I then remembered the time he was dancing. It was like he was just doing this for me.

I sighed.
"If I had moved sooner Nayeon would do all of these things for me." She is heart broken now. I know this. It is really hard for her. Our love is deep and sure it is like me cheating on her.

"Your highness!" I turned and saw Seokjin smiling. He bowed.
"It is cold. You may get sick!" I sighed.
"I like this weather. It is fine. No need to worry." He smiled and nodded.
"I brought a special tea for you. It is good for long trips. It'll give you energy." He then looked at his maid and poured some tea for me and handed me.

I looked at him and took the tea.
"It is good. Thank you!" He bowed.
"Is something bothering prince?" He asked and looked at me.

I wish I could tell you and break everything.
"No! I am fine. Just thinking about tomorrow. We have to do lots of things."
"But your eyes are saying something else." I looked at him.
"What are they saying?"
"There is a big sadness in your heart." He said and bit his bottom lip.

"You are smart." He didn't say anything.
"Maybe we can talk about this after our marriage yeah?" He bowed.
"I sure will listen to you whenever you want. I wish I can help you." I sighed. You are the reason that everything changed.

"Thank you! My sister will come and after that you will come to Gurio." He bowed.
"Yes your majesty."
"You must be ready for the wedding. Gurio's culture is different. We will hire teachers for you."
"Yes your majesty."

"It is cold it is better to go back to your palace."
"It is fine I will accomany you till you go inside." He said and smiled. Kai is right. He is so much kind.
"In that case I will go inside so our prince don't get sick cause of the cold weather." He smiled and bowed.
"Yes your majesty."

Suho pov

"Your majesty!"
"Welcome son!" I tapped Jungkook's shoulder.
"Your father and I are really happy son." Irene said.
"Yes king Chanyeol was very strict about his son's marriage. But seems our crown prince's wisedom and talent persuaded him." He bowed again.

"Your sister is getting ready for going and bring our future great prince. Ah I really like to see him I heard he is so much beautiful."
"I can say he is. You were right about his beauty and talent." Jungkook said.

"Yeah?" He nodded.
"He is very kind. I say this cause I saw it myself. And very talented and smart. We talked some times together and I can say he knows what he is going through. And about his beauty I can say no one can deny it." I smiled and nodded.

"Son you two must love eachother and be by eachother's side so can control the country in the best way and make your people happy." He bowed.
"Yes father."

Jin pov

"Your highness prince Jungkook arrived at Gurio."
"Yeah?" Moonbyul smiled and nodded.
"Is he fine?"
"Yes your majesty he got there and I heard there wasn't any problem during the way travelling." I smiled and nodded. I was worry if it snows alot or rain but seems everything was fine.

"Ok! You must make everything ready for the Gurio's group and princess. And check if prince Beomgyu is comfortable."
"Yes your majesty!"
"Your majesty it is Soobin!"
"Come in!"

He came and bowed.
"What is this?"
"Prince Beomgyu is here wants to see you!"
"Tell him to come in!" He bowed and prince Beomgyu entered and bowed.
"Your highness!" I smiled.
"Come and sit! Bring us tea and eatings."
"Yes your majesty."

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