37 (Our family)

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Jin pov

"Your highness everything's ready for greeting the guests."
"Very good! It is Gurio's national ceremony and our king's birthday you must do your best."
"Yes your highness!"

"King Jungkook enters!"
"You can leave now."
All of them bowed and he came to me.
"Why are you standing? It is not good for you." He then helped me to go to bed and I sat on that.
"I'm fine!" He put one of his one his hands on my little bump and the other on my back and massaged my back.

"You must not work alot and stay in bed. You must be strong for your labor."
"I'm fine your highness! Soon lots of groups will come to our country and I must greet them as well. More my labor is near 4 months later and the doctor said I must be active."

"I am worry. Please take care ok?" I nodded and caresses his face.
"Yourbhighness we brought your lunch!"
"Come in!" The maids then came and I stood up and went to the table.

I wanted to eat when Jungkook stopped me.
"It must be checked don't you remember?" He then told the nurse to check. She took her special things and checked the meal.

"It is all fine your highness!" I nodded and started eating my food. From the time I became pregnant they check my food like this. Mother told us they are drugs that can kill the baby and will be shown by silver and other things. So a nurse will always come and check my foods and I have special spoon and chopstick and glasses and bowls so no one can hurt my baby or me.

I ate some soup.
"I heard prince Taehyung and prince Jimin are coming with princess Jisoo." I nodded.
"Yes! Father wrote me a letter telling me he has alot to do about the thieves arpund the borders. They bother people so father must do something about them. More doctor banned my appa to travel long ways it is why my brother and sister are coming."

"I know you missed them so much! As soon as you give birth and can walk we will go to them." I smiled and nodded. I missed my parents but I can understand how hard it is for them to come.

Nayeon pov

I bowed to king as I went inside his room. He was sad. I smirked.

"It is Gurio's national ceremony and king Jungkook's birthday." I bowed.
"Yes your highness!"
"Queen just lose her baby. I cannot leave her side so you will go there."

"Yes your highness!" I bowed. He came near me and kissed my lips. This is it. I can use this time for myself. It is my chance. He was ignoring me all this times but now I can use this to be the mother pf next heir.

"I missed you so much you know that?" I wrapped my arms arpund his neck. I will give birth to Silla's crown prince. I will do this!

Jungkook pov

"Your highness! Prince Taehyung and his group are here."
"Ah brother came soon." Jin said happily. I went to him and helped him to stand up.

"We will go to them now. Just be careful when you are walking ok?" He nodded and smiled.
I hold his hand and we came out of our room.
"Ah I missed them so much." I smiled and caressed his hair.

As we reached the garden we saw prince Taehyung and jumping princess Jisoo who was showing us. She was about to run to us but prince Jimin stopped her.

"I doubt Jisoo will learn how to behave."
"We cannot blame her. She is still young."
"She is 11. She must learn now." I chuckled and in that time they reached us. We bowed to eachother.

"Happy birthday! Your highness!" Prince Taehyung said.
"Ah don't call me like that prince. We are two friends and have same place." He smiled to me.
"Brother brother brother!" I looked at Jisoo who was jumping.
"Ah here our beautiful princess." She giggled and I hold her.
"Yeah it is why we came soon. She was all crying and telling wants to come to see you and the baby." Prince Taehyung said and looked at Jin.

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