10 (Power)

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Jin pov

"Wendy!" I called my valet to come in and help me chnage my dresses. All of the words prince told me were like thorns on my heart. But I cannot do anything. I'm nothing to him. It really hurts but what can I do? I was doing my best just not to cry and stay strong.

"Your highness!"
"Bring my dresses!"
"Yes your highness!" In that time Moonbyul came in and bowed.

"Your highness!" I looked at her.
"What is this?"
"Bakjae's group will leave soon. Your brother wants to see you."
"I will get ready now!"
"Yes your highness!"

I wish I could tell Taehyung but it is impossible. Prince Jungkook is going to be the king and more no one can do anything. It is not a normal marriage. I wish I had someone to speak with.

"Your highness your clothes." I got up and they came and took my wedding dresses that I was still wearing. All of my wishes disappeared last night. I even cannot have a new family. I am here. All alone!

Jungkook pov

"Your majesty you should have stayed and greet the guests which are leaving more Bakjae's group and crown prince will leave soon."

"I have to see Nayeon! She was mad at me."
"Your highness!" We reached their house and their maid bowed.
"I wanna see ma'am Naye-" I was cut when I saw Nayeon came out of his room. I quickly made my way to her but she ignored me.

"Was last night good? Did you enjoy your night with your beautiful prince?"
"Why are you here when you ecen don't lo-" I quickly hold her.

"How can you this easy? My heart is just beating for you."
"But you are for prince Seokjin!"
"Stop this. I even didn't stay in his room last night." I then cupped her face and caressed her.

She was looking down.
"Nayeon!" She didn't respond.
"I love you!"
"I cannot feel that."
"Then I will show you. Next week I will take you to the royal library. It is what you want yeah?" She looked at me with shiney eyes.

"Your highness!" She then hold me tight.
"I love you your highness!" I smiled and caressed her hair. I cannot lose you and won't. When all I can get from you is love.

Taehyung pov

Jin came and bowed to me. He was very beautiful and I was proud of my brother. In this little time all of the castel fell for him.

"Sit!" He bowed and sit.
"I missed you!" He smiled.
"I missed you too your highness! How are father and appa?"
"Good! They missed you too. Two months later is father's birthday. You and prince Jungkook will attend so you can see eachother." He smiled and nodded.

"You look beautiful in Gurio's dress."
"More you are beautiful in this place." He looked at me.
"Seokjin! I want to say the things I told you before."
"Your highness!"

"Don't forget! You are powerful and have power. Use this power. Don't let anyone hurt you. By being strong and powerful you can protect your beloved people. No one must insult you. Don't forget you are from Bakjae. Insulting you is insulting Bakjae. So be as strong as you can."

"Yes your majesty!"
"Think about yourself at the first place. The person can be strong and take care of the others when takes care of himself in the first step."

Nayeon pov

I was walking in the castel to go to crown prince. I want to be near to him as much as I can to achieve what I want. Soon I'll be Silla's queen.

"Ma'am the great prince." I heard my maid said and  saw the great prince coming straight to me. I won't bow infront of him. He stole my place. So I just passed them when someone called me.

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