23 (Jungkook)

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Jungkook pov

I looked at Seokjin as doctor was checking him.
"How's he? Did something happened to our prince?"
The doctor bowed.
"No need to be worry your highness! Prince needs some rest. He was in a cold weather in a long time. I will make him some medicines for him. He must rest in bed." I nodded.

"Ok! Do your best so our prince becomes well again." He bowed.
"Yes your highness!"
"Your highness we brought the soup you said." Wendy said.
"Come in!"
I looked at the doctor.
"Go and make the medicines." He bowed.
"Yes your highness!"

I then took the bowl of soup and a spoon.
"You can leave now." The maids all bowed and went out.

I went to Jin. I put the blanket all ovee his body.
"Here have some of this soup it warms your body." He refused to eat and turned his head.
"Seokjin please it is for yourself. I am worry please eat." He didn't take a glance and didn't say a word.
"Seokjin....please. I beg you!" But all I got was a painful silence.

"At least listen to me." He sighed.
"Seokjin I need you to listen to me."
He didn't say anything. I decided to explain to him maybe he starts speaking with me.

"Moonbyul gave me a letter this morning. It was written to come to Taehyung river or you'll regret. Here it is the letter." He finaly looked at me. I gave the letter to him.

"When I arrived I even didn't know who I am going to see. When I saw Nayeon. You can ask Moonbyul she was with me all that time."
I sighed.

"She told me she would give Silla's secret informations and whatever I want if I help her to be queen or she will tell everyone that I took her to the royal library. She then tried to get near me but I pushed her. I am sure you heard her moaning of pain. And then you ran without giving me any chance to expalin." He looked at me with worry eyes.

"She is pregnant."
"Yes but my mind wasn't working in that time. She cannot tell anyone even something happen to her or her baby. It was her fault."
"How can I believe this?" He asked with a weak tone.
"You don't trust me?"
"Your highness I -"

"I understand. You can ask Moonbyul. She was next to me all that time even Nayoen asked her to leave but I made sure she was next to me. I wanted to tell you when I come to castel and speak about it and think if can use this against her but you were there and things came here." I wanted to burst into tears.

I don't know how can I make him believe me.
"We must go and check her." I looked at him desbeliefe.
"If she lose her baby Bakjae and Gurio will be in a bad situation."
"I wanna go and see her."

He then stood up.
"Hey you must take rest. I will tell the maids go and see if she is doing well or no." He looked at me.
"I myself must check her. Wendy!"

She came in and bowed.
"We are going to ma'am Nayeon's palace."

Nayeon pov

"You silly girl! You cannot understand you are carrying Silla's prince or princess? What did you think the time you wnet to him?"
"I thought he can help me to be the queen."
"You are lucky the baby is fine. Wish no one has seen you."

"Your highness!" My valet came in.
"What is this?"
"Prince Seokjin's here."
"Tell him to come in! We cannot reject him." Minister Choi said.
"No buts he is a great prince and king Chanyeol's second son. Don't forget to behave." Minister choi said and went out.

Then Seokjin came in and sat beside my bed.
"You are here to see my child is dead yeah?" He didn't say anything and looked at me.
"You are jealous I am pregnant and going to give birth to a prince and then be Silla's queen and you don't have a child yet. Your husband just pushed me to see my baby is dead and left me to come after you without caring I am pregnant but I am stronger than that. What did you do to him? I knew he fell for you from the time you came he changed. But I will kill both of you. I won't let you have a good and loving life together. I am living in hell so he must live in he-" I was cut when a slap came on my face.

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