2 (Crown prince)

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Gurio's castel 10 days ago

Beomgyu pov

"Your highness. It is cold let's go inside your palace." I smiled.
"I'm fine. I need some fresh air. The weather is delightful Taehyun." He bowed.
"Yes your highness."
"I heard some embassodors from China came."
"Yes your majesty."
"You know the reason?"
"I guess it is cause of princess Daehyun. It is her marriage time."
"But the crown prince hasn't  married yet."

In that time I saw the girl I hate the most. Pride and selfishness was around her while walking.
"What is she doing here?" I asked but got no response.
"Your majesty crown prince asked for her."

I sighed. I don't know what is in my brother's mind. She is the daughter of a betreyal. Park Nayeon.
"Tell Queen we are going to her palace." He bowed.
"Yes your highness."

I must tell mother. This is really seroius and important for our kingdom. I know his father Park Minseok wants to use her. I won't allow.

Irene pov

"Your highness prince Beomgyu is here." My maid came and said. I smiled.
"Tell him to come in."
I smiled as saw my son came and bowed.
"Your highness." He looked at me and smiled.
"Come and sit. Your sister just Came to me." He nodded and sat beside Daehyun.
"Bring us more tea and sweets."
"Yes your majesty."

I then looked at my son.
"So what made our prince to come here?"
"Mother I missed you."
"Me too son! I'll be happy you come more and see me."
"Mother Beomgyu is very busy these days. The royal teacher said he is doing well." I smiled and caressed his hair.

"I am proud of you. So your father." He smiled.
"But there is an important thing mother."
"You seem worry." He bit his bottom lip.
"It is about brother."
"Jungkook?" He nodded.

"I saw Park Nayeon again. She was coming from crown prince's palace." How can Jungkook do this to us? He knows his father betrayed last king.
"You sure she came feom brother's palace?"

He looked at her sister and nodded.
"Yes! Mother you must tell this to father. Soon crown prince must marry. I know he is inlove with Nayeon. Their family is strong and rich but they don't have royal blood. Prince Jungkook cannot marry her. We must prevent this or it'll be hard to handle things. More they have the power of selling and buying things in country. All of the goods are under their control. We must take this power from them."
"Mother Beomgyu is right." Daehyun said.

"Sulgie!" She came inside.
"Yes your highness?"
"Tell the king palace we are going there."
"Yes your majesty."

Jungkook pov

I looked at the new clothes that Nayeon brought for me.
"This is really beautiful just like yourself." I smiled and caressed the cloth. It was a very rare one.

It is why I love her. She looks at me loving and always brings the rare things for me telling me cause my soul is the most precious thing.

"I must talk with my father. I want her be my queen."
"Your majesty! I am sorry for saying this but his father was a betre-"
"Kai cut it! I don't like to speak like this about her. It was for past. He just gave some informations to China nothing more. And more what is this stpry with her daughter? She loves me and I love her. It is what matters."

"Yes your majesty!"
"Your highness." Another maid came in.
"Is it something?"
"King Suho called you. You must go to his palace." I nodded.
"You can go out." He bowed and went.
"What is this?" I asked Kai.
"I don't know your highness."
"Ok let's go." I got up from my seat and wnet out of my palace.

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