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what was that sudden excitement blooming inside of jisung? why was his heart feeling a bit warm by the unexpected question coming from him? maybe he enjoyed chan's company too? 

maybe he actually liked the idea a lot? whatever it was, jisung couldn't help but feel contented. unable to stop smiling widely, his eyes unknowingly glittered. "sure!" 

as the two males walked out of the mansion and now into the garden, jisung took the moment to observe the surroundings around him. "woah! i've never been here before." he gasped.

chan said nothing in the meantime, focusing on his leisurely walks. as they continued to slowly walk around the mansion, it gave jisung the opportunity to explore more there is to hell.

if he had to be real, hell was such an interesting place to him. it didn't look that bad to him now that he'd thought about it, he found it absolutely fascinating. how the garden looked entirely different to the ones back in his world.

the moment he thought about his own world, a sudden feeling of longing hit him. "man, i sure miss my place a lot." jisung quietly mumbled to himself, chan mindlessly hearing it.

he continued to walk however, not minding whatever it was he was saying. after walking around for a few minutes, jisung then turned to look at chan from the side, finally noticing how tall he was next to him.

'damn, how come i didn't realise this? he looks so strong and powerful. me, on the other hand...' jisung thought to himself, soon reminiscing back to how chan picked the book up for him. 'now that i think about it, it makes sense now.'

as jisung continued to stare at chan silently, it didn't take the older long when he also turned to look at him, the sudden eye contact alarming the boy. "oh! sorry about that." jisung exclaimed in slight gay panic, almost immediately turning his head to the front.

chan, on the other hand, continued to look at him for a moment before eventually turning back to the direction he was facing before. jisung nervously gulped, unable to stop thinking about it.

they continued to stroll a bit further for a few minutes, silence filling the atmosphere. that was when jisung decided to be the one to initiate the conversation, awkwardly clearing his throat moments later. "urm, it's great out here. thanks for asking me." he gently smiled.

the older caught a glimpse of his smile and nodded, eyes still focusing on the front. jisung slightly frowned inside at the silence, hoping for an answer instead.

slightly smiling to himself, he was about to leave it there when he was soon proven wrong moments later. "do you like it here?" 

jisung's eyes unknowingly glittered once more, feeling relieved he was actually answering him. this made him smile excitingly at him. "yeah, it's actually really cool here." 

and yet again, chan caught the sudden change of his smile, saying nothing for a few minutes. "do you wanna go back?" he abruptly asked out of nowhere, catching jisung off guard.

"hm? oh..." jisung lightly chuckled, terribly missing it. "yeah, i really miss it there. my friends, i miss them a lot and my bed... and my phone-"

"phone?" chan confusingly asked, looking at him with unknown eyes.

"oh right, you guys don't have those things here. it's like urm..." jisung began, not knowing where to begin his explanation. "it's this rectangular device where it allows you text people or call them. and you watch stuff on there or play games. there's a lot things you can do. unfortunately mine went out of charge so i can't use it, it also requires wifi for you to do stuff but i doubt you guys even have that, yet alone know what that is." he chuckled along with a smile.

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