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'he doesn't mean it like an actual date right?' jisung thought to himself, sighing heavily in uncertainty.

is this really the right thing to do? despite jisung having no feelings for this renjun guy, a soft part of him didn't wanna hurt his feelings. so, he ended up agreeing, hoping nothing would happen.

in addition to this, he'd been trying so hard to tell renjun whenever he had the chance to. but somehow, whenever he tried to, there would always be interruptions.

so in the end, jisung still hasn't told renjun about it. but he was gonna, hopefully tonight. and hopefully, there wouldn't be any more distractions that will prevent him from telling him.

as much as he felt so bad for 'leading him on' and letting renjun have a wrong idea, jisung just didn't know how to tell him. or draw the line between them, he was too much of a kind hearted person.

but, tonight was the tonight. that he will, and this time, he will tell him. no matter what, jisung was gonna end this once in for all. and nobody, or nothing was gonna stop him.

as he was getting ready for what was gonna happen tonight, he eventually heard his phone vibrate. this drew jisung's attention to it, walking towards it to see if he'd received any messages.

and here it was, no one other than huang renjun.

huang renjun

> are you ready?
> i can't wait to take you somewhere :)

jisung slowly blinked at the messages, feeling rather uncertain and nervous. will this really work out the way he'd hoped it would be? well, he'll have to find out.

yeah, i'm nearly done <

> great! i'll just be waiting outside then

unable to stop sighing heavily to himself, jisung was finally done fixing his hair. it wasn't until he suddenly heard another vibrate, causing him to confusingly raise his eyebrows.


> hey jisung, why didn't you tell us you're going on a date with renjun?

> yeah man, that isn't cool of you

first of all, it's not a date <
second of all, do i really need to tell you? <

> well duh, we were the one who set you up with him
> also, if this is not a date then what is it?

> hey, are you really sure you wanna stay single? you seem to like this guy

i've already told you guys, i'd rather enjoy my single life <
also, it's just us hanging out. as friends <

> yeah right, it doesn't seem that way with renjun

> changbin hyung is right. he literally told us about the 'date' with you
> and guess what? he was really excited about it

well, i only accepted his offer out of sincerity. i'm planning to tell him i'm not interested in a relationship <

> there you go again, with the 'i'm gonna stay single' kind of thing
> why can't you just relax for once and see where this takes you? who knows? maybe a relationship isn't as bad as you think

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