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after that conversation he had earlier with hyunjin, jisung found himself thinking nonstop about chan. and that the possibility whatever hyunjin was saying could be right.

maybe it was possible for chan to feel the same way after all. if he fell for a demon like him, surely he would've fallen for a human like him too right?

whatever it was, jisung couldn't stop thinking about it. as well as his feelings for the older. 'i can't believe i fell in love with a demon.' jisung thought to himself, still finding him unable to believe it.

how was it possible? not even a normal human being but a demon who was so dangerously powerful and sinful. was that his type all along?

one of those bad boys? jisung vigorously shook his head to snap out of thoughts, now directing it to something else. the question was, what now?

now that he'd finally figured at how he felt about chan, what do he do now? confess? as if he was gonna do that, that almost seemed impossible.

"should i just leave it and hope it will stop?" jisung mumbled to himself, wondering if he should just do that. "but then again, he must be feeling the same..." he added, entirely conflicting with himself.

what if, there was a slight chance chan might also be feeling the same way? and jisung was gonna miss it? if only, there was a clear answer for him.

thinking to himself for the next minute, he was soon abruptly interrupted by the sounds of the taller. "jisung?" he called out, instantly attracting jisung's attention.

"huh? oh yeah, what is it hyunjin?" jisung smiled at the demon, snapping back into reality.

"are you okay? you seem to be spacing out a lot." hyunjin worriedly asked, trying to think of a reason why. "is it because of what i said about chan?"

"oh no, don't worry." jisung said with a smile still on his face, immediately reassuring him.

"that's good, i just didn't want you to be feel troubled by it." hyunjin greatly smiled back, sighing in relief. "it's just that, chan's possibility of liking you back is really high. especially since he's liked a human before."

jisung only smiled at him, nodding in understanding. "but," he paused for a moment. "how does it work?"

"what do you mean?" hyunjin tilted his head in confusion.

"the whole demon and human thing." jisung explained, completely baffled with how a love relationship with two contrasting species could work. "he's a demon and i'm, just a human. how does that work?"

"well," hyunjin began. "it's not simply easy of course. there's a lot of obstacles and challenges in making it work but, it's not impossible."

"did they perhaps, you know?" jisung unknowingly asked, suddenly wanting to know about his past.

"who...?" he confusingly asked, soon realising soon after. "oh! chan and that human girl he liked? well, they didn't go as far, they've kissed before and had a lot of skinships but that's it."

"kiss..." jisung quietly mumbled to himself, abruptly feeling his cheeks heat up at the thoughts of it. "does it feel weird? kissing a demon?"

hyunjin slightly widened his eyes at the sudden question, not knowing what to say. "urm, i'm not sure about that. that's never happened to me."

"oh i mean!" jisung was about to say more but stopped himself. "actually nevermind, what am i even saying?" he slightly looked down.

this caused hyunjin to lightly chuckle at his words, finding him so adorable. "it's okay, you must've been wondering what it's like to kiss one. well, if you're that determined to find out, why don't you ask chan yourself?"

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