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jisung stepped into the building that later night, extremely drenched and exhausted from work. his hair was still dripping wet from the downfall, his clothing slightly soaked.

unfortunately for him, it had continued to rain for the past few hours. and jisung, being the unlucky guy he was, just had to not bring an umbrella on the one day he needed it the most.

as a result, he had to quickly dash back to his apartment before he was even more cold and soaked. luckily, the convenient store was only a few minutes away from him so it wasn't that bad.

still, why did it just have to rain on this particular day, this particular night? when he had accidentally mistaken a stranger for chan to the point of attempting to chase after him, to having a gloomy weather with no umbrella to cover himself.

what an unlucky guy jisung was. in fact, why was everything now so dark and gloomy to him? it was peculiar, usually everything would be the opposite, yet why did all of his surroundings seem to have changed?

just what changed about it? he didn't know why but ever since he'd came back to his human world, his life has been nothing but dull and unfulfilling, almost as if a drastic change caused it.

was it because compared to the life-threatening yet occupied moments in hell, this was entirely different? completely the opposite to what he'd grown used to.

and now that he was finally back in his world, he could no longer live the same, normal life he thought he could. especially if he had to live a life in the absence of chan.

he just couldn't, the older meant so much to him. the more days passed, the more he desired to see him again - the feeling of longingness growing stronger each day, each second of his life.

but what can he do? with no hopes of finding a way back to hell, jisung couldn't do anything. no matter how much he wanted to see or miss the demon.

heavily sighing to himself, jisung dragged himself further into the building, the memory from earlier still lingering in the back of his mind. is it him or was tonight just wasn't his night; in fact, it was much foreign and peculiar than before.

whatever, only the thoughts of going back to his apartment and sleep clouded his mind. jisung eventually stopped in front of the elevator, continuing to stare blankly at it.

the more he stared and reminisced to himself, the more he fell into deep thoughts. ever since the 'hellevator' accident which landed him in hell, jisung was unable to stop glancing back then and now at it.

almost like it had always been in his mind. was it because it reminded him of nothing but chan? the one demon he'd fell hard with, a feeling he'd never felt before to anyone else.

however, now that it was fixed, nothing abnormal was happening. as if it never happened in the first place, almost as if jisung was living in a dream. it wasn't though right? everything he experienced there was real right? and chan, he was real right?

what should he do now? no matter how hard he tried to put his mind off the events, as well as the demons, it would always find its way back to him.

and before he knew it, jisung was constantly thinking about chan. the way his plump, luscious yet soft lips were against his, the way chan would give him soft looks, the way his crimson eyes were filled with love and fondness, the way his soft smile would lit up his day.

jisung wanted more, he wanted more of chan. his icy cold yet massive hands holding his face, the strangely warm hugs chan would give him as he hold him close to his chest. the cuddles, the way chan would lie on his lap and how jisung would caress his fluffy hair.

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