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as jisung continued to softly run his hands through chan's fluffy hair, he couldn't help but avert his gaze towards the sleeping demon resting on his lap. has he always looked that peaceful in his sleep? or was it because he was resting on his lap for the first time?

whatever it was, jisung couldn't stop staring at chan's alluring face. he didn't know what it was, but something about that sight caused countless butterflies to grow inside his stomach.

was it a dream? the whole situation about jisung being in hell? he wasn't just dreaming was he? did he actually fell in love with a demon like chan? no matter how hard he tried to process it, jisung just couldn't seem to come to realisation.

it felt as if everything was just a dream. the last thing he could remember about his own world, was the memory of him being trapped in a broken elevator, his phone cut off before he could contact any of his friends and everything thrown in chaos.

but the question that still remained in jisung's head, was why? how did this all happen? if it weren't for the broken elevator, he would've been living his normal life, meeting up with his friends and not worrying about anything else.

did fate bring him to chan? were they meant to be? with confusing thoughts invading jisung's head, his eyes soon drifted off back to chan's horns.

he wouldn't notice if he touched it right? chan was a deep sleeper right? with so much curiosity yet nervousness inside of him, jisung anxiously gulped, tempted to actually touch it.

and before he knew it, he reached his hand down to lightly brush it, jisung's cheeks heating up in the process. 'it feels kinda hard yet rough.' jisung thought, slightly widening his eyes in shock. 

that was when he soon realised what he'd just done, instantly retreating back. but before he could, a massive, pale hand abruptly gripped onto his wrist, this alarming jisung. he looked down to see chan's cold hands holding his arm, the older's eyes now fully opened.

widening his eyes even more in panic, jisung quickly blinked. "o-oh urm, channie! i'm sorry, i didn't mean to. did i wake you up?"

chan said nothing for a moment, only continuing to stare into jisung's eyes. "did you touch my horns?" he said after moments of silence.

this made jisung nervously gulp even more, his heart racing even faster. what was he gonna do? is he gonna hurt him? or get angry? "i'm sorry. i was just curious-"

"it's okay." chan interrupted, eventually sitting up. "at least i know it was you."

"urm, can i ask you something?" jisung asked, managing to gather his courage. chan didn't say anything but his eyes gave him a signal to continue. "do you not like people touching them?"

chan paused for a second, soon letting go off jisung's wrist. "no." he said soon after, "it's my vulnerable spot so i'm self cautious about people touching them."

"oh... i'm sorry, i didn't know you don't like it." jisung mumbled in guilt.

"but i'm fine if it's you." chan replied, turning his head to look at him. "i trust you."

just by hearing that caused jisung to madly blush, smiling in relief that chan trusted him. it made him feel valuable, like he was the most important person to him.

"that's good, i was worried it made you uncomfortable." he answered, eyes glittering at chan. "go back to sleep, i'm sorry i interrupted you."

chan didn't say anything and nod, about to lower his head on his lap when they were soon interrupted by a sudden voice. this made both males whip their heads to the owner of the voice, jisung immediately realising who it was.

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