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"w-what..." jisung helplessly breathed out, his eyes unable to stop widening in shock.

it can't be... he wasn't dreaming or anything right? what just happened? everything happened too fast for him to process anything, only helplessly sitting there in confusion yet shock.

jisung was unable to move an inch after witnessing a scene he didn't wanna see, his heart slowly breaking into millions of pieces. his eyes weren't tricking him or something right? did it all actually happened right in front of him?

wait, it can't be. no, it's not what he thinks it is right? he still couldn't quite grasp what just happened, neither could he wrap it around his head. it was all too much for him to handle, he didn't wanna believe it was true.

only hesitantly moving towards the lifeless body before him, jisung's eyes trembled in slight fear, his voice breaking at the sight. "h-hyunjin?" he called out, hoping his eyes weren't fooling him.

hyunjin was just unconscious right? he didn't actually... right? no matter how hard jisung tried to trick his thoughts, it was futile. nothing could beat the truth itself, it happened. and it all happened right before him.

"n-no..." unknown tears quickly fell from his face as jisung's voice trembled. hesitantly holding hyunjin in his arms, he could then feel his heart suddenly stop.

no... this can't be the truth, hyunjin was just trying to pretend dead isn't he? he's just gonna wake up suddenly, all fine and alive right? with such thoughts invading jisung to prevent himself to face the reality, jisung only cried harder.

"hyunjin!" he called out, attempting to wake the taller out. "y-you're not dead are you? wake up! are you okay? please, open your eyes and tell me you're fine."

he then reached out to feel hyunjin's pulse, noticing that it was slowly fading, the heart rate slowing down as seconds pass. no, no, no! it can't be! someone tell him that this wasn't happening, please? someone...

"hyunjin, why are you so cold?" jisung cried out, also hearing his breathing slow down. 'no! i won't accept this, you better not die on me hyunjin! don't leave me...' he thought, only holding the demon closer to his chest.

"hyunjin! hyunjin, please wake up! this can't be happening!" jisung alarmedly exclaimed, feeling his fear rising up steadily.

"hwang!" seungmin's voice interrupted, jisung soon looking up to come face with his worried face. "snap out of it! you're gonna wake up in 3 seconds. one, two, three... damn it! why are you not opening your eyes?!"

"s-seungmin..." jisung's voice trembled. "hyunjin is gonna be okay right?"

"fuck urm," seungmin said in slight panic, not knowing what to do next. only summoning his healing powers as an attempt, his eyes soon darkened. "shit. i managed to heal his wounds but unfortunately it's not enough."

this made jisung snap his head towards him, panic filling his eyes. "what's that gonna mean?"

"i-i don't know." seungmin slightly panicked. "i don't think summoning our healing powers work on him. changbin's attack was far too strong and fatal that we can't do anything-"

"no! i can't be!" jisung interrupted, grabbing onto him. "seungmin, there has to be something we could do! we can't just leave hyunjin like this!"

seungmin only said nothing, remaining silent. "i'm sorry jisung."

"n-no..." jisung could feel his heart shred into pieces, his breathing pace slowing down in shock. it can't be. hyunjin wasn't gonna die right?

there must be something he could do! if only there was something...

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