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"ah! i forgot to mention. it sounded like chan was vexed, he didn't seem to be in a good mood. what happened?" the taller explained, briefly turning his head to look curiously at him.

"yeah... i accidentally annoyed him, again." jisung replied, sighing heavily in response.

he didn't plan for that to happen at all, he'd just wanted to sit comfortably but with a demon like chan, nothing can go his way.

"oh, you shouldn't have done that. chan extremely hates it when someone ruins his mood, especially in the mornings. what did you do?" hyunjin asked with curious eyes.

"i wasn't listening to him and spoke back to him in a "rude" manner. he just thinks i'm annoying." he shrugged, slightly frowning.

"you don't seem annoying though, i like you! it's just that some of the demons here are kinda moody but don't worry, most of us are really friendly." hyunjin answered in reassurance, smiling excitedly at him.

this made jisung smile, relieved to hear that he didn't have to deal with a lot of demons like them. he'd believed that working in this place was gonna be fine, as long as he have other welcoming demons.

"that's good, i don't wanna bring any more demons to the edge. they're kinda scary when they get mad." jisung sighed in relief, making hyunjin smile once again.

"yeah, they really look terrifying. don't worry though, they won't kill you, we promised seungmin we wouldn't. and plus, even if we didn't promise him, i'm sure we wouldn't even do it anyways." hyunjin replied, leading the way.

"are you sure? what if one of you guys get so angry to the point you can't control it? that must be dangerous, it could hurt someone." jisung reasoned to which the taller only hummed in response.

"true but, we're trained demons. we can control things really well and if that do happen, chan would stop them. he knows everything going on in this place so it wouldn't be a problem." hyunjin explained.

"geez, is that chan guy a wizard or something? how can he know everything that happens?" jisung questioned, eventually looking over to hyunjin.

he thought for a moment before turning to smile warmly at him. "chan's really powerful, he can basically do anything he wants. he's just amazing like that, almost like the mastermind."

jisung said nothing at his words, silently thinking to himself. just how amazing was chan? not only was he the most powerful demon in the place but also extremely cunning and knowing.

it was like there was nothing he couldn't do, he could basically do anything he wanted with the power he holds. it almost felt like he was no match against him, not even a small hope.

"mhm, he's like god but an evil one. he can do whatever he wants so i recommend you not to provoke him any further than you already are. i wanna give you that as  advice, i don't wanna see you get hurt." hyunjin explained with concerned eyes.

smiling reassuringly in response, jisung couldn't help but thank him enough. he was right, maybe he should start changing his actions towards him - he needed to live.

"thanks for worrying about me but i'll be fine. don't worry about that." jisung reassured, causing hyunjin to nod.

"okay, i was just worried. but i wanna let you know that even though chan may seem like the dangerous type, he's also really warm. he was even kind enough to double my payment if i worked incredibly hard." hyunjin said to which jisung smile in understanding.

"i know. it's just that me and chan got off the wrong foot, that's all." jisung explained as hyunjin just smiled.

hyunjin was right, maybe there was more of the older he hadn't seen yet. and just possibly, if it could happen, for jisung to be able to see something else in him.

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