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a month has already passed before jisung knew it, a lot of crazy things happening to him all at once. he just couldn't believe the fact he'd managed to stay here for a month, it seemed crazy.

after going through a wild rollercoaster ride filled with emotions and hardships, jisung was able to learn a lot of things since being here. it'd seemed to help him a lot since then.

he didn't think he'd be able to survive here, nor did he seem to realise how much things have changed since his stay. it was all thanks to the demons that were so welcoming to him.

especially hyunjin, the one who had always been by his side ever since. there was nothing that could describe how appreciative and grateful he was to him, and most importantly, how he was his first friend here.

jisung couldn't help but be so thankful, he'd helped made his life more easier here. and now that he was finally getting used to this place, jisung felt so comfortable.

not to forget the fact that his relationship between chan was growing than before. it was safe to say that jisung was actually enjoying his time here, maybe he was starting to get a bit attached?

after all, it wasn't a lie that jisung didn't want this to end.

"a lot of things happened since then..." jisung mumbled to himself, lying down on his bed. he was now resting on his back, silently staring at the black rose in his hand.

there was so many thoughts rested in his head, filling him up inside. the fact that a lot of peculiar things happened: initially starting with his ill-relationship between him and chan, him befriending demons and terribly missing his friends to chan strangling him, there was so many.

and now, he and chan finally made up? how did it all come to this? whatever it was, jisung didn't expect it at all. it was completely out of his league.

but even so, jisung wouldn't say he'd regretted it. in fact, he was so relieved. at the fact he was able to experience so many emotions through this process. it was surreal.

after staring at the black rose for a moment, jisung sat up, reminiscing back to the start. "i can't believe a lot of things changed. especially my relationship with chan." jisung said to himself, unable to forget about every vivid memory between them.

'also this black rose... why was it so important to him that he rarely gives it to someone?' jisung thought, still having no idea why the older was so determined to give him so many.

just why? what was his true intention in doing so? didn't he tell him before what they'd meant? 

was it because he'd told him he loved them? or was it something else? whatever it was, jisung wanted to know. chan's thoughts and feelings for every action.

"hyunjin told me before as well, that chan rarely lets anyone touch them. does this mean something? if so, what? what could be so important?" jisung continued to mumble to himself, soon turning his head towards the rest of the black roses.

'i want to know, maybe i should ask him.' he thought, silently staring at it.

he was soon lost in thoughts to even realise what was going on, the sound of knocking eventually awaking him. jisung whipped his head towards the door, snapping back into reality.

"jisung?" it was hyunjin's voice, instantly alarming him.

jisung smiled at the taller's voice, immediately getting up to answer it. "hey hyunjin, what's up?" he asked the moment they met eyes, hyunjin smiling widely at him moments later. 

"it's time for dinner! come downstairs." hyunjin brightly exclaimed, causing jisung to nod.

"okay, let's go." he said, about to leave when he soon realised that he was still holding the black rose in his hand. "oh right, forgot to put it back." he then chuckled.

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