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a wicked, sinister laugh filled the whole room, changbin's glowing red eyes staring down in pleasure at a currently wounded chan. "you like that huh?! it's so much fun!" 

chan remained silent as he glared deathly at him, only breathing heavily from the agony spreading everywhere around his body. what now? what should he do now? now that he was badly injured, how else can he defeat changbin?

was this it then? was changbin just gonna end up winning this fight? was there nothing else he could do? fuck, he was in trouble. as if he was expecting anyone to save him now; well, not if seungmin and hyunjin managed to succeed in their mission.

they were currently doing that right? convincing the representatives to join them against both changbin and taehyung, it was gonna work right? if not, was this it for him? after all, he knew how difficult it was to convince them.

in fact, he was aware that they weren't exactly easy to convince. but he had no other choice, it was either that or death. and chan knew, that he wasn't gonna die like this. not ever, especially since he hadn't managed to unite with jisung yet.

he was gonna survive no matter what, so he could see the younger's smile again. jisung was everything to chan and he was gonna make it, and hopefully end changbin's life. he was just hoping his plan was working and that he wasn't buying time for nothing.

they will come right? they were gonna save him right? despite there being a small part of him that was slowly losing hope, chan wanted to believe in them - he wanted to trust them. and that was what he was gonna do, even if he had to die a painful death.

he was gonna wait and believe in them, no matter what.

"you see this taehyung?!" changbin hysterically laughed, turning his head towards a smirking taehyung who joined in.

"yeah, look at him. he thinks he's all this just because he possesses great power and comes from a rich family." taehyung snickered evilly, staring down at an injured chan. "but without those, he's just nothing. and yet he thinks he can be the next ruler. give me a break."

changbin only snickered at taehyung's words, strongly kicking chan by the side. "you wanna know why you can't beat me?" he kneeled down, staring dead hard into chan's eyes. "because you're too easy and soft-hearted. trusting people easily like that. that's why you're nothing compared to me."

"let's not forget the fact he fell in love with another human," taehyung butted in. "and that caused him to become softer. what happened to the evil and cold hearted chan that we knew before? so emotionally weak, letting a mere human get in your way."

"that's why you can never beat me." changbin smirked, grabbing chan by the shirt. "didn't i tell you before chan? that love is nothing but a burden, and that it would only become a weakness. first that stupid human girl betrayed you. and then another human comes and get in your way. what are you gonna do now hm?-"

"shut up." chan growled while threatening him, eyes darkening at his words. "don't fucking talk about jisung like that you crazy assholes. jisung's nothing like the others."

"oh really? then what's he like?" changbin laughed in front of his face. "nothing!! because he's not any different to any other humans, he'll only break your heart and stab you in the back before you know it. and you know that chan, you just don't wanna accept it-"

"if you don't shut up now, i'll make you." chan snarled, this making changbin suddenly burst out of laughter.

laughing horrifyingly for a few minutes, changbin avert his gaze back to him. "oh, i'm scared!" he sarcastically mocked, only chuckling to himself. "so pathetic. i pity you chan, having yourself be swayed by these disgusting humans. no wonder you're getting weaker, you're just a fake." he spat.

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