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"hyunjin! i'm sorry i'm late." jisung exclaimed in slight panic, instantly rushing into the kitchen.

"it's okay jisung, really." hyunjin smiled reassuringly, watching as he rush in to get ready. "luckily there isn't much to do today. especially since chan will be cooped up inside all day, working." 

"about chan..." jisung spoke after hearing the mention of his name, suddenly wanting to ask him something about it. "does he always work this long?"

hyunjin nodded almost instantly at his question, gesturing jisung to wash the dishes. "it's not only that, he's a workaholic. he's always working, especially past night hours. remember when he collapsed the other day due to long excessive work and lack of sleep? well, yeah..."

"but..." jisung trailed off as he started cleaning the dishes, unable to stop thinking about him. "isn't that bad? at this rate, he's gonna pass out even more." 

"yeah..." hyunjin sighed heavily, scratching the back of his head. "seungmin even told me that he tried to get him to rest but he just won't budge. i'm worried for him."

jisung nodded silently at his words, also sighing in response. was there a way for chan to stop working and get some rest? or was he gonna continue to tire himself out?

"me too." he finally spoke, reminiscing back from earlier. 

"also, there's something i've been wondering about." hyunjin began once again, turning to face jisung who was too busy with the dishes. "about you and chan." 

the moment words came out from hyunjin's mouth, caused jisung to pause for a moment. what did he mean by that? why was he suddenly asking him about it?

"what about it?" jisung confusingly asked, not knowing where he was going with this.

"i mean, lately i've been seeing chan around you a lot. and he seems to be very engaged with whatever you were doing. are you sure there's nothing going on?" hyunjin questioned all of a sudden, completely catching jisung off guard.

"w-what?" he unknowingly stuttered, feeling his cheeks heat up again. "there's nothing going on really, we were just spending time with each other."

"are you sure?" hyunjin asked again with a smile, walking a bit closer towards him. "doesn't seem that way to me. especially after seeing how chan acts around you, he looked really immersed and the way he looks at you says it all."

"i'm pretty sure that's just him looking at me as if he likes me. i mean, doesn't he?" jisung tried to reason, hoping that'd be the case. "it's not like he..." he then abruptly paused afterwards.

hyunjin noticed the sudden pause in his words, silently staring at him. smiling widely at the action, he proceeded. "can i ask you something jisung?"

"what is it?" jisung stopped washing the dishes for a second, turning his head to face him.

"how do you, feel about chan?" he curiously asked, watching as jisung slightly widen his eyes.

"how i feel about him?" jisung repeated back with a slight mumble, looking down for a moment.

he was right about that. how did he really feel about him? could he really describe all of the feelings he'd feel around him as just someone he just enjoyed spending time with?

or could it possibly be more than that? whatever it was, jisung wasn't sure about the answer. almost as if his feelings were indescribable.

"about that..." jisung trailed off once again, eventually looking up to meet hyunjin in the eyes. "i don't know."

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