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the moment chan's threatening words echoed in the room, the entire atmosphere fell into complete silence. no one dared to speak a word or challenge him, it was just utter silence.

jisung nervously gulped as he look up, just silently staring at chan's back. there was so many baffling questions forming in his head, desperately wanting to ask him.

just what was going on? why was he acting this way after what happened earlier? did his words not match his actions at all? why was he being this confusing?

"chan..." jaehyun alarmedly said while standing up, the first to break the silence.

chan said nothing as he continued growling deeply, eyes sharply piercing through changbin's eyes. the other slightly flinched for a second before lowering his gaze down, staring hard back.

"or what? what are you gonna do?" he rolled his eyes, attempting to break through his grip.

however, chan only gripped tighter while giving him a death stare. "are you questioning me?" he dangerously spoke, a tone sending chills to everyone's spine.

the other demons remained silent yet attentive as they listened to every words happening, not wanting to be involved. 

yugyeom instantly noticed the sudden tension forming in the atmosphere, eyes worriedly searching around the room. "hey changbin... i think that's enough."

despite yugyeom's attempt to stop the other, changbin casually shook it off. "what if i am? you're not even the ruler yet, i wouldn't care less if you have more power over me." 

there was silence for a moment, changbin looking down to see the grip still tightly around his wrist. "and can you let go already?" he barked, strongly shaking it off him.

chan didn't say anything, continuing to stare dangerously hard at him through his icy eyes. it wasn't until changbin harshly kissed his teeth as he walked away, quietly muttering to himself.

"geez, what's his problem? he's just a useless human, why bother helping him?" he annoyingly mumbled, everyone in the room surprisingly hearing him.

this made chan darken his expression even more, instantly walking up to him to grip onto his shoulder, harshly turning him around. changbin was soon met with chan's infuriating eyes again, his back immediately pushed back against the wall.

"say that again," chan angrily warned. "i dare you." 

changbin looked down to the grip now on his collar, the actions making him scoff. "what? was what i said wrong? do you like him or something?" he evilly smirked.

everyone widened their eyes in shock, not expecting the sudden question coming from the other. everyone but chan, whose eyes were still stern - completely unfazed by his words.

jisung tensed up, his heart throbbing in discomfort. 'what was with that question?' he thought to himself, gulping nervously. was he hearing that right?

that was when hyunjin quickly noticed how pale he looked, instantly catching onto things. "jisung, do you wanna get out of here? you don't look good." he quietly whispered to the boy next to him.

"hm? oh..." jisung mumbled, hesitatingly nodding back in response. 

hyunjin took the gesture as a sign to leave, slowly getting up. "let's go." he told the boy who eventually snapped back into reality, feeling too uncomfortable with the tension around them.

"wait, i need to pick these up." he shakily replied, almost immediately reaching down to pick each pieces of glass up.

"i'll clean them up afterwards, you're gonna hurt yourself-" 

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