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jisung woke up with an aching pain, groaning seconds later due to the sudden affliction as he winced his eyes at the bright light. where was he? how was he still alive? what happened that led him here?

after minutes of adjusting his surroundings, he was about to slowly sit up when he heard a voice, causing him to stop his actions. who was that?

"you're awake?" he turned his head to the direction of the voice to see a somewhat normal looking male sitting beside him, watching his every action.

questions started forming inside jisung's head as he finally sat up, looking back at him cautiously. "who are you? why am i here? what's going on?" he started, bombarding the male with his questions.

the male sighed deeply in response, he seemed to have figure this was gonna be the thing first he'd received. "i know you have many questions to ask but i'll just start by saying, i'm not gonna hurt you so calm down."

he didn't know why but just by hearing his soft and gentle voice, caused jisung to unknowingly relax. when it gave the male a sign he'd calmed down, he resumed to explain everything.

"my name's seungmin and i'm a half human i'd say. and you, are in hell." seungmin explained, watching jisung's eyes grew wide. what did he just say? it was impossible, such thing doesn't exist.

"what... what do you mean by that? hell doesn't exist also half human? then what else are you?" jisung questioned, unable to take everything in. he wanted to hear more explanations, he'd never believed in those kind of things.

"i'm a half human half demon, don't panic though, as i said, i'm not gonna hurt you. also, hell does exist, you're literally in it right now." he answered, wondering how he was gonna get his point through. he seemed to already be a tough guy to crack.

"half demon you say? i don't believe you! hell doesn't exist and neither does heaven! so cut the crap out and tell me something worth listening to." jisung slightly raised his voice when he immediately saw the change of seungmin's expression, shutting him off.

"listen boy, you gotta shut up and cooperate with me. as much as you don't believe in this shit, you're in hell whether you like it or not." seungmin lowered his voice, sending chills down jisung's back.

this encouraged seungmin to sigh deeply once again, ruffling his hair annoyingly. "as i was saying, you saw the place didn't you? volcanoes exploding and lava coming out of the floor right? and then you saw that human eating demon-"

"oh yes, that bastard! what happened to him? didn't he eat me? why am i still alive?" jisung interrupted, dying to know what the heck happened at that time. no wonder the place looked crazy to him, he'd never seen something like this before.

"that was a human eating demon, it likes to haunt humans down and kill them so they can eat their souls. apparently it didn't have any humans to eat for years so it was dying to eat one, i guess you were the first one it encounters. don't worry, while you were knocked unconscious, chan saved you and took you here, in his mansion." seungmin reassured, answering him.

jisung raised his eyebrows at the response, trying to take it all in. what the heck is this place? when can he go home? "who the heck is chan?" he asked, glancing over to the bandage wrapped around his leg.

"i wouldn't say his name that carelessly if i were you. he's a demon, the next one in line to replace lucifer, he possesses extreme power so i wouldn't encourage you to mess with him. he killed the demon if you were wondering what happened to it." he explained to jisung, continuing to stare at him.

"what a pushover, he thinks he's all this because he has this big of a power. he's probably nothing but a spoiled guy." jisung scoffed mockingly, already forming an image of the demon.

seungmin, on the other hand, stared coldly at the words coming from the male, sighing even more. "i don't think he'll let this slide easily if he was in this room. trust me, you really don't wanna get on his bad side, he's much greater than you think. he'll probably even kill you if he wishes to, your opinion will soon change."

"as if it'll ever change. if he saved me then why put all the effort to kill me because of what i said? how stupid of him, also why haven't you killed me yet? aren't you guys demons, don't you eat humans?" jisung replied, not understanding what was going on.

"we're not like those human eating demons, compared to them, we can control ourselves. but yeah, we could just kill and eat you if we want however, we chose not to." seungmin mumbled, ignoring the first part of what he said.

"and why not? how do you control your hunger then?" he asked, wanting to hear more, it wasn't a lie that he was slightly interested about this subject.

"as i said before, i'm a half human. why would i wanna eat someone half of my kind? also chan promised me he wouldn't either and same goes for a few others here. so don't worry, you're safe, just don't get on any of our nerves - especially chan. instead, we eat souls of the dead." seungmin said.

"whatever, is that why i saw -666 on the elevator? i still don't believe this but why the heck am i here? i'm meant to be in my apartment, dealing with my own life but somehow i ended up here and now i can't get home." jisung continued to ask.

seungmin sighed before giving the male a small smile. "i'm afraid i can't answer those questions, you'll need to ask chan for that. but i can answer that yes, floor -666 is hell but i don't know how or why you came here or how to get back." he replied, watching over him.

"so what now? do i just go to this chan guy and ask him and hopefully he'll have answers for me?" jisung mumbled, already not liking this.

the male said nothing more and nodded, not knowing what lies next for him. "yes, hopefully he will, he's the most knowledgeable demon in this place after all. in fact, he wants to see you when you wake up so this is perfect."

jisung took a few moments, thinking to himself. he didn't know why or how he ended up here, neither does he know how he was gonna get back.

but what he'd hoped for was this chan guy to help him out in some kind of way, how great is he really? he just wanted this to be over already and wake up from a dream he chose to believe, all of this was far from his imagination and jisung didn't wanna deal with it.

he soon turned his head towards seungmin with an unknown look before giving him a small smile, ready to face the demon that awaits for him.

"so where is this chan guy exactly?"


im probably gonna start more new ffs soon, i just have so many i wanna write

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