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it wasn't long until a satisfied smile found itself on jisung's face, picking the now fixed picture frame. now that he'd fixed it with the helps of seungmin, the question was, what now? should he leave it on the desk and expect chan to notice?

or should he just go to him in person and tell him? shaking the weird thoughts away, jisung slightly shivered at the sounds of it. 'what am i thinking? as if i wanna see him again. he's scary.'

and with that, he eventually placed the picture frame back down, unable to stop smiling in satisfaction. 'this should be alright, right?' he thought once again, relief and curiosity filling his head as he continued to stare unknowingly at it.

"thanks seungmin!" jisung thankfully exclaimed, smiling widely at him.

this caused seungmin to turn away in disbelief, no longer wanting to stay in the same room as him. "whatever. just leave already before chan comes back." 

jisung nodded moments later, continuing to smile uncontrollably. "okay!" 

he didn't say any more as he finally left the room, completely satisfied with what he'd done. now the thing that awaits him was how chan would react to it. would he even notice in the first place? if so, how would he feel?

happy? thankful? was jisung finally gonna see a satisfied smile he'd always hoped? who knows? maybe it would be impossible, but to jisung, nothing was impossible.

he was gonna see the older's smile no matter what, even if it was gonna take him months to accomplish. when he came back to where the other demons were, he didn't realise he was unusually in a good mood, his massive smile showing it all.

not realising the unexpected expression plastered on his face, he continued to walk further into the room. it wasn't long until hyunjin noticed once more, his lips forming itself into a relieved yet curious smile. well, wasn't this unusual to him?

"jisung." he called out, causing jisung to turn to him with his smile still on.

"yeah? i finished sorting out the beds by the way." he uttered to which hyunjin just smiled.

"that's great! did something unusual happen? you seemed to be in a good mood, earlier you were so stressed out and bothered about it." hyunjin questioned when he soon realised something. "wait... did you-"

answering his unfinished question, jisung smiled even more as he nodded seconds later. "yeah! seungmin kindly helped me out, it was out of nowhere but i'm still glad!" 

"he did?" hyunjin asked with a widen smile, feeling so contented for him. "i wonder what made him change his mind though. it's not that easy to do."

"i don't know but i'm thankful for him anyways! i wonder how chan would react, he went extremely ballistic about it so i thought fixing it would possibly change his view." jisung replied, unable to stop smiling greatly.

hyunjin smiled widely in response, continuing to listen in. just by seeing and hearing him seem so happy couldn't help but bring a grin across his face, he'd never felt so thrilled for him.

"i hope so too! i'm happy that you wanna mend the relationship you both have. hopefully it'll work out, chan should be coming back soon." he spoke, causing jisung to smile excitedly.

"really? that's good, hopefully he'll be happy about it. how often does chan smile?" jisung questioned, finding himself wanting to know more.

the taller thought for a moment before he unknowingly shrugged, unsure about the question. "i'm not sure... he hasn't smiled since what happened 3 years ago. he's usually very moody and cold since then so i guess it's rare?"

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