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"fuck," changbin growled deeply to himself, darken eyes glaring around him. "when i see them again, i'll fucking kill all of them."

he just couldn't believe he'd been played like that, to let the three representatives distract him and let chan escape. the more he thought about what just happened, the more his fuming anger slowly build up inside him.

especially after what they did to taehyung, the fact that they just mindlessly kill him without any hesitation. and now taehyung had already disintegrated and vanished into thin air, his death screaming clear for him.

changbin wasn't gonna let any of this go however, this was payback - it was time for revenge.

and now, he was gonna avenge for his partner and kill of them, every single one. not one single body could come out alive, changbin wasn't gonna allow that; everyone: including chan and the other demons, as well as jisung.

that puny human. "that bitch." changbin snarled at the thoughts of jisung, his fist tightening even more. neither was he gonna survive, he was gonna kill them all.

he'd just hoped he was able to find them, it wouldn't be hard right? they couldn't have ran off to somewhere far from his reach. not to forget the fact that changbin has a good sense of smell, he could literally smell jisung from where he was.

'he doesn't seem to be that far, he's quite close actually.' changbin cunningly smirked to himself, the excitement of seeing jisung from right close by. the things he was gonna do to him, he was gonna shred his heart into pieces. right in front of everyone.

"right, judging from my smell, they're right here." changbin spoke and immediately pounced right into the direction, his eyes narrowing moments later.

what the fuck just happened? where did they all go? did his sense of smell fail him? wait, it couldn't have been, did they trick him again? angrily punching the ground at the thoughts of being fooled again, changbin's eyes only darkened once more.

"those assholes, i'll get them." he growled, not having any time left to think when he instinctively summoned his power to extinguish the attack from behind.

coldly scoffing to himself, changbin was soon met with pairs of crimson eyes. "there you guys are, what took you so long? a bunch of cowards."

"what did you just say?" seungmin also darkened his eyes. "what about you? how does it feel to get played around? you really thought it would be that easy to find us?"

"that expression on your face," hongjoong continued to tease with a snicker. "it was so enjoyable to look at, that look of shame when you  just got played at."

"what?" changbin snarled, feeling his immense rage build up. "you won't be saying that any longer when i destroy every single one of you-"

before he could finish his sentence, he was abruptly attacked from the sideways. changbin quickly dodged and turned his head around, followed by another cold scoff. "well, well, well. look what we have again."

"it won't be that easy to defeat me, this time for sure." chan deathly glared down at him.

"oh really?" changbin casually shrugged to himself, an evil smirk finding its way to his face. "well, what if i have these bad boys behind my back?"

and with that, he unknowingly summoned his army who appeared behind him seconds later. "this will be fun, won't it?" changbin continued, only widening his smirk.

"oh yeah?" jaehyun barked back, gesturing the other representatives to summon their armies. as every single one of their armies rise up out of nowhere, a smile soon appeared on his face.

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