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mixed feelings flushed through jisung as he couldn't stop staring mindlessly at him, not knowing what to feel right now. should he feel happy? sorry for him? annoyed?

no matter how many feelings bottled inside him, he struggled to find the exact expression he was feeling at this moment. nor could he find himself saying a word to chan.

as chan continued to tightly hold his wrist, no words exchanged between them. it was just the both of them staring silently at each other, unable to find the words.

jisung couldn't help but feel his heart pound faster, finding himself lost within chan's crimson eyes once again. the way it darkly shone the deeper he was drawn into it.

"are you okay?" chan suddenly spoke, earning a slight flinch from jisung.

"oh... yeah." jisung awkwardly answered while briefly looking away, chan instantly sensing the atmosphere between them.

this caused chan to avert his gaze towards jisung's wound that was now bandaged, staring silently at it. "i'm sorry." chan suddenly spurted.

"what?" jisung turned his attention back to the older, noticing where his gaze was. "oh, it's okay. i'm fine now." he gave him a small smile.

chan looked back up to meet his eyes, noticing the sudden changes. "does it still hurt?"

"not as much, it was just a small sting." he replied, still feeling a bit awkward.

there was silence for a moment, no one uttering a word. "what happened to me?" chan suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"oh! you collapsed on your desk. hyunjin told me it was due to overworking and said that you just needed to rest." jisung slowly blinked, earning a little nod from chan.

"i see." he briefly spoke, silence soon engulfing the air.

"i'm relieved you're okay now. i was worried." jisung almost mumbled to himself.

"you were worried?" chan confusingly repeated back, staring back at him.

jisung didn't really want to say anything else, so instead, he just nodded in response. "yeah. i'll go and tell the others you're awake now." he said, about to walk away again when chan stopped him.

"no, stay." he strongly held onto his wrist while sitting up, preventing him from leaving.

this made jisung turn to face him, nervousness filling him inside. no matter how hard he tried to figure out what chan was possibly thinking, he just couldn't work it out. 

just why? why was he doing this to him? why make him so confused?

"why are you doing this to me?" jisung unknowingly asked, not realising he'd just said that. 

'well, there's no turning back now.' jisung thought to himself as his lips slightly trembled in distrust. had he always been this confusing? why was he hurting him like this?

he just couldn't understand no matter what hyunjin told him. he just wanted to know from the older himself, a clear explanation that doesn't give him so much confusion.

chan briefly looked down for a moment before looking back up. "i'm sorry." he only said.

"sorry? chan, i don't understand why you're doing this to me! at first, i really thought we were closer than before and i really felt comfortable around you. but after what you said earlier, with those harsh words..." jisung exploded with so much emotion, giving him a hurt expression. "do you really hate me that much? am i really useless to you? do you only just pity me? if so, why are you still confusing me like this? your actions doesn't make sense! just what do you really feel about me?"

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