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"so tell me, how's your stay here so far?" chan questioned the boy sitting across him.

however, to his dismay, jisung couldn't stop shuffling in his chair, making chan's face darken moments later. "stop moving around and answer me." he demanded in a dangerous tone.

"but this chair is too uncomfortable!" he annoyingly exclaimed, continuing to move around.

"i don't fucking care. stop wasting my time and answer my bloody question!" chan suddenly roared in extreme anger, causing jisung to stop his actions to stare shockingly at him.

he'd never seen the older this angry before, it was the first. well, of course, considering the fact that he'd only been here since yesterday as well as them having a bad start already. was it just gonna be impossible for him and chan to get along after all?

possibly, knowing that their personalities were the complete opposite.

"it's good..." jisung eventually replied, the nervousness building up inside him from just now. it wasn't a lie that he was slightly afraid of the demon before him.

well, who wouldn't? despite his mind blowing appearance he couldn't stop looking at, it was the personality that was the problem.

chan was far too dangerous and terrifying to be around with.

the older kissed his teeth in annoyance, malicious eyes piercing through his eyes to which sent sudden chill down jisung's spine. this caused him to unknowingly gulp from the suffocating tension building up, his eyes beginning to shake a little.

"great, you've now officially ruined my morning." chan growled before continuing. "and my mood."

he then stood up, starting to dangerously walk towards him with red glowing eyes, glaring hardly as it didn't leave jisung. "oh sorry, i'm just not used to it here."

"well, you better get used to it. your existence itself is a whole annoyance, everything about you is just infuriating." chan snarled, moving even closer to him.

"i'm just a human, what do you expect? i'm sorry i was born this way." jisung slightly muttered, causing chan to instantly slam his hand roughly on the table near them.

jisung suddenly flinched at the sound alarming him, gulping in response. "you better watch your attitude. it's unpleasant to hear, especially when you're addressing it to me."

"look, just because you're a powerful demon, doesn't mean i should act all nice and that. i couldn't care less actually, what do you expect me to do? stay quiet while you're-"

"actually yes, if i were you. i would shut up and listen if i wanna live." chan coldly interrupted while his eyes continued to scowl at him.

the younger pouted at his words, leaning backwards on his chair. "sadly i'm not like that. all i wanna do is go home and yet i'm stuck here for 3 months just to work for you."

chan stopped walking, only to stand there beside his chair. jisung looked to his side, eventually meeting his somewhat cold eyes that hadn't left him one bit. what was his problem? why was he being so hard to get along with?

not knowing the answer to countless questions running through his head, he stayed silent as he waited for what was gonna happen next.

"listen here human." chan heavily breathed out, soon leaning forwards to get closer to his face. jisung gulped unknowingly, his attention back to his mesmerising appearance; he'd never seen his face this close before, not when it was directly placed in front of him.

everything about his face was beautiful, including the coal black hair he couldn't resist. 'shit, why is he so beautiful?' jisung thought inside his head, slightly biting his lips in response.

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