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⚠ contain trigger warnings, violence, sexual assault, rape. do not read if you feel uncomfortable


it's already been a few hours since jisung was tied up to a chair, his breath only becoming heavier each moment. how long has he been in here? when was he gonna come out? and most importantly, what was gonna happen to him now?

he couldn't stand the fact that he was in changbin's mansion, the thought only making him feel even more terrified and uncomfortable. his mind couldn't help but wonder back to seungmin's warning, and how dangerous he actually was.

now that he was out of chan's reach, what was changbin gonna do to him now? no matter how hard he tried to forget the words from earlier, he couldn't help but shudder at taehyung's words - the words repeatedly playing in his head.

"weren't we gonna do other stuff to torture him?"

"wouldn't it be more fun to play with him a bit longer?"

jisung anxiously gulped even more at the demons' horrifying intentions, unable to calm down his uncontrollable beating heart. what did they mean by that? what were they planning to do?

tremendously quivering on the chair, jisung's breath became heavier, his eyes trembling in horror and fear. just why? why was changbin doing this to him? all he wanted was a normal life, he didn't come here to get kidnapped and terrorise at.

just why? when was this gonna be end? much to his dismay, it wasn't a dream at all. it was real, every single moment spent in hell was just so vivid and real to him that he wasn't dreaming. 

he'd just hoped all of this would be over. and that he could finally be safe in chan's presence once again, not having to worry about what could possibly happen to him next. if only chan was here with him, he wouldn't be trembling in panic.

'i'm hungry.' jisung thought to himself, his throat entirely dry and scorched. 

where was changbin? he was sure it's been a few hours already since he'd last seen him yet he saw no signs of the other. neither did he see taehyung.

just what was happening outside? what were they doing right now? before jisung could think any further, the door suddenly slam opened, revealing a far too carefree changbin who happily hummed to himself.

excitedly skipping over towards jisung, the male instantly froze. why did he look suspiciously gleeful but peculiar? just what was he up to?

jisung couldn't help but gulp nervously at the demon, his trembling eyes staring back in fear. he was unable to find the right words, as if all of the words were stuck in his throat. what now? what was he gonna do next?

"hey human~" changbin cheerfully called out, unable to hold back in his snicker.

this made jisung hesitantly look up, not knowing what changbin was up to. he didn't say a word however, only remaining silent as he continued to listen into his words. 

evilly grinning to himself, changbin stopped in front of him. "i bet you're hungry aren't you? admit it, you want food and water."

boldly looking the other way, jisung continued to ignore him. this only irked changbin even more, his entire smile dropping fast into a growl. "look at me." he suddenly demanded, forcefully gripping jisung's jaw to turn his face around. "you think you're so brave hm?"

jisung nervously gulped once more, eyes quivering shakily at him. "w-what do you want?"

"what i want?" changbin scoffed, eventually letting go. "i want you to suffer." 

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