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as seungmin led him to the office where the demon was, he took the moment to look around the place in awe. he'd never seen a mansion like this before, it was completely different to the mansions he'd imagined.

maybe that was because of the fact he was in 'hell', everything looked completely abnormal, especially the way the portraits looked surprised him.

"so tell me about this chan guy." jisung started, suddenly curious about the demon he was about to meet.

"when are you gonna stop calling him that?" seungmin asked with a slightly annoyed tone, he was already done with this bullshit.

despite the half demon unable to see, he shrugged from the back. "what am i meant to call him then? mr. demon?" 

seungmin sighed once more, no longer wanting to argue with him anymore. "nevermind, it's up to him what you should call him. he appears to be cold and short tempered but really he's a sweet guy inside, that's if you get to know him more but get on his bad side, you're done." 

"seems like a troubling guy to me, how difficult could it be though?" jisung muttered, earning himself a slight scoff from the male before him.

"judging by all this, you're already gonna make a rough start." he replied to which jisung stared hardly at him. what did he mean by that? "we're here." the sound of his voice awakening him up from his thoughts, they were now standing in front of a door.

"do i just go in?" jisung asked, about to open it when seungmin stopped him.

"wait! knock first, chan doesn't like people barging in without his permission and he most certainly do not like anyone disturbing him." seungmin explained, knocking it instead. he waited for a few second before opening his mouth. "chan? it's me seungmin, i brought him."

that was when they heard a distinctive voice, gesturing them in. "bring him in." 

seungmin turned to jisung, giving him a last smile. "well, good luck i guess. try not to anger him, he can be a handful sometimes, i'll just be here waiting."

he said nothing else and nodded. how difficult could it be? all he needed were answers and that was it, having to deal with the other wasn't on his needed list.

with another deep sigh, jisung finally opened the door and unknowingly walked in; eyes widening at the sudden appearance of the room. it was almost pitch black but he could still somehow see what was around him, the room was almost filled with books.

but what he couldn't see was the demon himself, he didn't know why but he couldn't tell where he was. 'where is he?' he thought, curious to see what he looked like.

"take a seat." just then, the sudden voice caused jisung to slightly jump, looking around the room to search for him. when he figured it was no use finding him, he eventually gave in and sat down on the seat nearest to him.

"where are you?" jisung asked out of nowhere, struggling to see him.

"my presence is not needed for you to know now be quiet boy and let me ask my questions." he demanded but to his dismay, jisung failed to listen.

he didn't come here to answer questions, he needed answers and he needed them now.

"but i wanna ask you-"

"i said, shut the fuck up." the demon instantly interrupted, lowering his voice into something that sent chills down jisung's spine. he could tell he was already making a bad start.

jisung suddenly remained quiet as he thought back to what seungmin had told him, he was already walking through the entrance to death and that wasn't a good sign.

when he finally heard silence in the room, he resumed. "as seungmin must've told you, i'm chan. that's all you need to know human and i'm the one next to rule over hell." 

"sorry, but i don't believe in hell or heaven or some shit so you better come up with a better excuse to tell me where i am-"

"didn't i tell you to shut up? don't make me come here and hurt you." he threatened in a growling voice, the boy was already getting on his nerves.

"but it's true! hell doesn't exist and also, wouldn't you have to die first? this is preposterous, seungmin told me you wouldn't kill or eat me." jisung reasoned back, tired of hearing the word 'hell' all the time.

"he never said i couldn't hurt them though." he snarled, causing jisung to stop his actions. why was he suddenly feeling anxious? 

"wait, are you gonna-"

"i won't if you shut up right now." jisung immediately closed his mouth, avoiding any more arguments. as much as he already hated this, staying alive was the first thing he needed to do.

chan sighed in annoyance, he was literally about to be in rage and hurt him to death. but he promised seungmin he wouldn't do so, instead, he held it back in more for his sake.

"as i was saying, you're in hell so stop rambling shit and accept it already. refusing to believe it is just gonna make it even harder for you. now answer my first question, how did you get here?" he asked, waiting for his response.

this gave jisung a signal to open his mouth. "i don't even know myself, i just wanted to go home and sleep. somehow i received a phonecall from an unknown number and the elevator was just acting up like crazy-"

"answer my bloody question already." he demanded once more to which jisung stopped to process the question again.

"i went on the elevator but honestly i don't know how it got me here-" 

"that's all i needed to know, it's not that hard was it?"

"well, no but-"

"shut up. next question, what's your name and why are you here?"

"i'm telling you, i don't know why i'm here, i just wanna go home and why should i tell you what my name is? just tell me how to get back-"

but before he could finish his sentence, he immediately found himself slammed against the wall harshly. what had just happened? jisung couldn't tell as it went too fast for him to process.

he eventually looked up to the demon in front of him, causing his eyes to widen in shock at the mind-blowing appearance. he had never seen such a hot demon before, it was a first.

"let me ask you again, what's your name?" he growled, staring fiercely into jisung's astonished eyes.

this time, jisung wasn't paying attention at all, he was too busy taking in the others breathtaking presence. his red glowing eyes that could take his soul any moment now and his black hair he wanted to touch.

not only this, but he looked completely different to the other demons he'd seen, he was something else. with his pale skin and middle-sized fangs, jisung couldn't help but stare at the devilish horns he was seeing; his gorgeous looking wings from behind.

he was a stunning one - born with pure beauty, especially with those luscious looking lips of his.

jisung was unable to take his eyes off him.

"you're hot." jisung suddenly breathed out, causing chan to raise his eyebrows confusingly yet cautiously.



i miss binsung, want more moments ;0

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