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"woah, you scared me!" jisung suddenly gasped in shock, almost hitting his back harshly against the bookshelf. he was then met with chan's expressionless stares, the way he looked down with mysterious eyes and no signs of emotions.

there was clearly no way he could tell what he was thinking, neither did he know how he felt at this very moment. everything was just confusing and peculiar for him to process, jisung didn't know what to react with.

was he possibly angry? sad? happy? what was it?

after a few moments of silence, jisung suddenly remembered what he'd asked to which he exclaimed in realisation. "oh chan! i uh, didn't mean to touch them without your permission, i was just touring around this place and i was curious so i went inside and found this book i wanted to get but couldn't get it. i'm sorry-" 

but before he could finish his sentence, chan had already handed him over the book he'd wanted. jisung looked down in slight shock, gently taking it from him. "thank you-"

he was too late however, when he saw that he'd already left the room. "he's one mysterious guy." jisung mumbled to himself, a smile was eventually brought up on his face moments later.

'i'll just thank him later!' he exclaimed inside his head, unable to stop smiling at the thoughts of chan possibly helping him get the book. 'he seems like a nice guy.' jisung lastly thought as he finally left the room, too lost in thoughts to realise a running hyunjin.

"jisung!" he suddenly exclaimed, causing jisung to snap out of thoughts.

"yeah?" jisung unknowingly exclaimed as he just stared back in confusion.

"thank god you're okay! i thought chan did something bad to you again." hyunjin explained in worry, concern filling his eyes while staring back.

jisung smiled reassuringly at his words, shaking his head. "i'm alright. actually, chan didn't do anything bad, in fact, he helped me."

"helped you? what do you mean by that?" hyunjin confusingly asked as he just showed him the book instead.

"he helped me get this book. it was really high and i couldn't reach, luckily he grabbed it for me." jisung smiled, unable to forget the thoughts of it. it was as if he was beginning to see a new side of chan he didn't think he'd see, could this possibly be a new start between them?

could the relationship between them change? hyunjin sighed in relief before smiling widely moments later. "that's great! i told you chan's a kind demon even though it's hard to see. did he say anything to you?" 

"not really... he just left before i could thank him, he's one strange guy." jisung replied unknowingly, still not understanding how he'd just left like that.

this caused hyunjin to smile warmly back in response. "he is but i'm so glad nothing bad happened! did he still look angry though?"

jisung thought for a moment, remembering what his expression looked like moments ago. after moment of thoughts, he eventually shrugged his shoulder as he shook his head. "i don't think so? i don't know really, he didn't really have any expression on, it was just blank." 

"don't worry about it, it's just his way of reflecting. it's a good thing though, don't let it bother you." hyunjin spoke, causing him to finally nod. "anyways, what were you doing there?" 

"oh i was just curious so i decided exploding. i finished washing the dishes and didn't know what else to do." jisung answered as he only smiled widely back.

"how about you taking a break? you're probably tired already so how about just enjoying the view outside?" he suggested to which he smiled even more.

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