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after that extremely long walk of just spending time with chan alone, it wasn't long when they decided to go back in. it wasn't a lie that jisung felt a bit defeated but, what can he do?

chan was uncontrollably busy these days, especially when he was preparing for 2 weeks time. jisung must say though, that the time he'd spent so far in hell had been absolutely unreal.

not only was it going so fast than he'd expected, but also the fact that he couldn't believe that so many things have happened since then. from the way he had a rough start with chan, to when they started developing their relationship into something more.

and now, he couldn't believe he was actually together with him. how was this possible? how much did he change his view of him? jisung didn't know but he couldn't control his uncontrollable beating heart.

"i can't believe... you're gonna be a ruler soon." jisung heavily sighed, walking side by side with chan as they make their way back.

this made chan slowly turn to look at him, unknown eyes observing his expression. "do you not like it?" he paused for a moment. "are you unhappy?"

"what?" jisung abruptly exclaimed, entirely taken aback. "oh wait! that's not what i mean."

chan said nothing for a moment, remaining silent for jisung to talk. "it's just that..." he began, unable to shake the unnecessary, troubled thoughts in his head. "the contract we had... about me working for you for 3 months."

"what about it?" chan questioned as he continued to stare at him.

"well, it's already gonna be the 3rd month soon which means that our contract is nearly ending and... you said that you'd take me back after becoming the ruler." jisung explained. "does that mean... we'll never see each other again?" he sighed.

continuing to stare at jisung for a moment, chan suddenly stopped. this alarmed jisung who stopped as well, turning around to face him. "chan?" he confusingly asked, about to say something when chan unexpectedly cupped his face once again.

"do you not wanna go back?" chan asked, his crimson eyes staring deeply into his. "do you wanna stay here with me?"

as jisung nervously gulp at the sudden action, he couldn't help his pounding heart, blushing madly at the fact they were so close. "i-i do! it's just that, if i go back... we won't see each other ever again. as much as i wanna go back, i also wanna be with you."

"i can't go with you." chan spoke. "i have to stay here." 

"i know," jisung heavily sighed once more. "which is why i can't stop thinking about it. it's crazy, i know i have to go back to my own world sooner or later but the thought of not being able to see you troubles me."

chan only continued to stare into his eyes, his expression seemed to have softened. jisung took notice of it and smiled. "but, what can we do? you belong in your own world and i belong in mine. we can't really be in a world where we both can be in it."

"i can cancel it." chan said, "if that means being together with you."

"but chan." jisung slightly widened his smile, grateful nonetheless. "they need you here."

"and i need you." chan reasoned, pulling jisung a bit closer. "that's all i need."

just by hearing chan's comforting words caused jisung to smile even more, only falling more and more in love with the demon. how adorable he was being right now, jisung could tell that he didn't want him to leave.

but what can they do? they live in separate worlds, no matter how much they can't live without each other.

"me too but, it's your duty isn't it? you're a demon, you should probably focus here and i, should probably go back soon. besides, i'm also starting to miss my world, and my friends..." jisung gently told him.

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