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jisung woke up at the sudden sound of the door opening, causing him to instantly open his eyes to the bright light awaiting for him. he winced as he tried to adjust the light before him, soon slowly pulling himself to sit up to see who it was.

"oh, you're awake? good morning." the figure greeted the moment they met eyes, immediately smiling warmly at him while walking closer with a tray of breakfast in his hands.

"wait... who the heck are you? you're not that seungmin person." jisung quickly replied despite just waking up, not failing to realise that wasn't definitely the half demon he met yesterday.

the male continued to smile at his words, not saying anything for a moment as he gently placed the tray on his lap before shaking his head in response. "yeah i'm not. sorry for not introducing myself properly. i'm hyunjin."

"and what are you? a half demon like seungmin?" he questioned, making hyunjin shake his head once again.

"no, i'm a full demon like chan but i'm from a lower class than him." hyunjin answered without hesitation, still unable to stop smiling at him. "i have some powers but they're still not stable."

"oh..." was all jisung said when he looked down to the tray under him, just staring silently at it.

it wasn't until hyunjin instantly realised something was off to which he looked a bit worried yet confused. "oh sorry, is the food perhaps not to your liking? i'm sure i searched somewhere that you humans like to eat pancakes with syrup." 

this caused jisung to shake his head in reassurance, lifting his head to face him with a smile. "it's not that, don't worry. i just don't really eat breakfast in general that's all." 

"why not? breakfast is a great way to start your morning! it'll give you lots of energy and it's not healthy if you don't." hyunjin worriedly reasoned back with a small frown, unable to take his concerned eyes off him.

"i just don't have time for it i guess. i'm always usually working in the mornings." jisung answered nonchalantly, just shrugging to himself.

"but even so, at least try and find time to eat something. here, just eat some on the tray." he said to which jisung only sighed moments later.

"okay, i'll eat a few." he briefly replied as he picked the fork up from the tray.

hyunjin smiled in response, finally watching him eat in relief. "also, after you eat, chan wants to see you. it's your first day working for him isn't it?" 

he didn't say anything as he hummed in reply, still gobbling down the pancake on the plate. "i must say though, it's rare to see a human work for him. usually, he'd refuse and kick them out."

the moment he heard the words come out of his mouth, jisung stopped stuffing food in his cheeks. he quickly chewed before swallowing them, countless thoughts running through his head. he was the first human to ever work for him? what was going on?

"what do you mean?" he unknowingly asked, causing hyunjin to sigh.

"can i sit down?" hyunjin asked to which jisung nodded, allowing him to sit on the bed. "well, how should i say this? there was actually another human working for him before you, she was the first and last human since 3 years, ever since then he started despising humans. none of us had seen a human working from him after what happened, until now." 

jisung tilted his head in confusion, not fully understanding what he was trying to say. "what happened? what made him start hating us?" 

the taller paused for a moment, debating whether or not he should tell him. when he eventually decided after moment of thoughts, he soon turned to face him with an unknown look. "he unknowingly fell in love with that human however, he found out he was being used and was betrayed and hurt in the process." 

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