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there was nothing more chan wanted but to see jisung again, and see his most prettiest smile. let's just say he couldn't stand not being with him, the whole entire time he was with lucifer, his mind would keep going back to jisung.

it wasn't a lie that he'd wanted to see him so bad, and be in his arms once more. when was this discussion gonna end? at this point, chan didn't care at all. he just wanted to be with jisung and check if he was okay.

'that bastard hwang, he better be alright.' chan silently cursed in his mind, the thought of coming back to see jisung harmed, feared him.

he was so afraid, to come back to see no sight of jisung's beautiful smile. he'd just hoped hyunjin did his job properly, or he was gonna get a real beating when he comes back.

sighing heavily at the long-lasting meeting he was in, chan quietly gritted his teeth, his fist tightening in impatience. he was just so desperate to see him again, actually no, he needed to see him and make sure he was safe under his watch.

if only this meeting was gonna end any sooner, chan would already be rushing back home.

"do you have any questions about these agreement?" lucifer questioned, gazing sternly at chan who eventually snapped out of thoughts.

"no." chan only said, looking down to the contract before him. "i just have to sign this right?"

lucifer said nothing else and nodded, watching as chan signed it without any hesitation. "i take it that you have no problems with the agreements written there then?"

"they're fine. i can cope with them." chan replied, quickly signing it before pushing the contract towards him. "you have nothing else to discuss right? i'll get going then-"

"wait chan," lucifer stopped him, causing chan to halt. "don't you wanna spend some quality time together? we haven't been able to see each other often due to our tight schedule."

chan paused at his words, looking over to him. despite there being a part of him that wanted to accept his offer, another part of him wanted to be with jisung as soon as possible.

"i'm sorry." he only responded, getting up afterwards. "maybe next time." 

"i see." lucifer scoffed, leaning against his chair. "you're still busy aren't you?"

there was silence for a few moment, chan only nodding in response. "i have to get back soon. we can finish this off another time." he said, not wanting to mention anything about jisung.

it was dangerous, for a demon like him to have a human over at this mansion. lucifer knowing about this was a bad idea, and chan didn't wanna involve jisung in it. not when he was aware of what could possibly happen to him if he'd found out.

loudly clearing his throat, lucifer smirked cunningly. "alright fine, i'll see you later then."

chan nodded, quickly bowing in respect as he left the room. he just couldn't wait any longer, he needed to see him. he needed to make sure he was safe and sound, he couldn't stand any second without being with him.

with countless thoughts invading his mind, chan was occupied with nothing more but only jisung. and his relieved smile after finally being able to see him after for long hours, chan wanted to see it - his contented smile once again.

after moments of thoughts, chan eventually used his powers to quickly transport back. not sparing any more time wasted, it didn't take a while until chan finally arrived at his mansion.

but what he was greeted with wasn't a pleasant sight, this entirely shocking chan. slightly widening his eyes in shock, chan instantly rushed over to a still conscious minho who was struggling to even move.

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