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"hey hyunjin," jisung suddenly called out, causing hyunjin to turn around with a warm smile. "how long does it take for chan to recover?"

the taller said nothing as he thought, trying so hard to think. "i'm not sure... he usually takes about a couple of days to get back to normal."

"really? is the amount of time different since he's a demon?" jisung asked, finding himself wanting to know more about him. after all, all he'd ever wanted was to resolve their ill relationship and make it into something else, something new and refresh.

despite not knowing much about chan, he was sure that he wanted to change his view about him. and he was sure the older somewhat wanted the same. who would even want to have something like this while staying here? especially with someone like chan.

hyunjin shook his head gently, eventually smiling at him. "actually, it doesn't matter what you are. it really depends on our levels of anger, chan's ones just so happen to be short tempered and explosive."

'is that why he's always easily angered?' jisung thought to himself, reminiscing back to all of the previous interactions he'd have with him. 

it'd all made sense, the meaning behind his extreme anger towards him. he didn't know before why chan was always snapping whenever he talks to him but now he know, he'd always been that way. not to forget his 'impudent' manner he hated the most.

jisung was just a fuel added to the fire.

"i see, that's why he's always bursting it out on me." he almost muttered, now understanding it.

it was his attitude towards him that had to change: his obnoxious and troubled self. all of that have to change, but how? how could he possibly change that fast?

that was when hyunjin placed a hand on his shoulder, unknowingly reassuring him. "it's okay, it's not completely your fault. it's just, chan's been going through a lot and every time he's being reminded of that human, he gets pretty violent when he snaps." 

"is that why he tried to strangled me?" jisung asked, nervously gulping while looking at him.

"yeah, in fact, we've never seen this kind of level of anger. when he's at there, he's unstoppable because even himself can't control it. i guess he's been bottling up all of the pain and anger that's been there for years." hyunjin explained, smiling. "i'm sure he feels bad about doing it." 

"can everything change between us?" he continued to ask, taking another deep breath.  "is it possible if he gives me another chance? i wanna make this work, i don't wanna leave it like this."

just by seeing hyunjin's widen smile caused him to unknowingly relax, soon staring back at him in hope. is it possible? "of course! i think he wants that too. chan's actually a really warm guy inside even though it's hard to see but i'm sure he'll give you another chance."

"you sure?" jisung sighed heavily, plopping himself on the chair. "what if he doesn't? what if he kicks me out and i get eaten instead? what if-" 

"it won't happen, trust me! it may seem like he does but really, he won't even act on it. he's nice like that, i don't think you'd be able to find another demon that could take you in. i'm just glad he managed to find you and save you before that happened." hyunjin explained with a smile.

but to his dismay, it made jisung sigh even more, doubting everything. there really was no other demons like him that could take him in? would they just force him out if he were to see them? what kind of demons are actually out there?

not knowing the questions to himself, he only just sighed again. "in fact, i think majority of them would just use and torture you for fun. it won't even be a contract anymore, you're basically gonna be there to die." hyunjin spoke again to which he eventually widened his eyes.

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