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a sudden shriek erupted into the room, causing jisung to instantly bolt up with a gasp. he was then met with immense pain spread across his body, his head aching tremendously.

what'd happened? how did he end up in bed? with countless questions clouding his head, jisung reached his hand over to touch his neck, soon feeling the soreness and dryness of his throat.

that when it'd hit him, all of the memories from earlier suddenly coming back to him. chan had strangled him? he was irritated by his presence? how annoying was he really?

it wasn't long when his thoughts were soon interrupted by a sudden cry, instantly swifting his head around. "oh my god! you're finally awake!"

he was met with hyunjin's teary and concerned eyes, causing him to immediately hug jisung. "are you okay? what happened? how did this happen?"

this made jisung smile softly at the taller, not hesitating to hug him back. "i'm okay, my head and back just hurts. well..." he then trailed off.

hyunjin soon pulled away moments later, unable to stop looking so worried for him. "i'm so glad you're okay! i wouldn't know what to do if chan had actually strangled you to death! it scared me!"

"don't worry about it. my throat's kinda sore and dry though." jisung replied, making hyunjin quickly pass him a cup of water.

"here! carefully drink this, it must've been terrifying right? i'm so sorry that this happened. none of us expected him to do such a thing, it shocked us a lot. even though chan has a bad temper, usually he'd be able to control it." hyunjin explained with a guilty frown, watching as jisung take a gulp of it.

"really, it's okay. i deserved it anyways after what i did to him." jisung almost muttered, just staring down at the glass of the water held in his hands.

just by hearing that caused hyunjin to frown even more, not wanting to hear that come from his mouth. "no you didn't! i know that you may have angered him so many times but doesn't mean you deserved it, no one does!"

jisung smiled gently as he eventually look up, sighing heavily in response. "i just wanted to help... he looked really unpleased when i broke it so i thought i could help by fixing it for him. guess that didn't work, it made him more infuriated instead."

"it's okay! i could tell how much you wanted to help him, you looked so happy and it brought a smile to me. you were so determined to fix it." hyunjin reasoned with a reassured smile, reaching over to hug him again.

"thanks hyunjin. i didn't think he'd act this way, i thought he'd be thankful for it but i guess not. he's right, i went in his office without him knowing and touched it without permission." jisung sighed once more, eventually agreeing with what he'd said.

"chan doesn't like it when people do that but it's okay! just don't do it again, i got scolded for that." hyunjin almost muttered while looking down, causing jisung to slightly widen his eyes in shock.

"wait... you did? oh shit, i'm so sorry! it's all my fault, i shouldn't have done that. i'm so stupid." jisung shockingly answered, unable to believe it.

chan had yelled at him for his own stupidity? he couldn't believe it, sense of guilt and regrets soon rushing through jisung. he shouldn't have done that at all, now he was met with the consequences.

and he even stupidly dragged hyunjin into it as well.

and to his luck, it didn't stop hyunjin from smiling so widely, shaking his head moments later. "it's okay! you're not stupid and it isn't your fault. trust me! i'd have been so thankful if you were to do that."

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