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jisung woke up that early morning, this time to the sound of nothing. as if he needed to desperately check the time, he didn't seem to realise his eyes widening in sudden realisation.

"oh shit, i overslept!" he screamed in panic, wondering why no one had woken him up. where did hyunjin go? why was the whole mansion silent?

that was when it had hit him, it was meant to be his day off. earning himself a sigh of relief, jisung eventually calmed down. "oh right, i'm not supposed to be working today."

the question now was, what should he do? should he go back to sleep or should he just get up and explore more there is to the mansion?

after moments of deciding and conflicting with his mind, he finally shrugged and dropped his back to the mattress once again. "nah, getting up is too much effort. i'm going back to sleep."

he turned his back to the side, taking the moment to wonder to himself. 'how long has it been since i've worked here? it feels so long, why does it feel like time is just dragging for years?'

there was nothing more jisung wanted to do than to go back home and see his friends again. how much he'd missed them and surprisingly, his own job. maybe it was because of the fact his job was so much better, he just wanted to go back.

it wasn't as if working here for a demon was dreadly excruciating, he'd actually gotten used to how things worked. and the job wasn't as bad as he thought, but the thought of wanting to live his own life, only consumed his mind.

was he actually starting to feel homesick? was being here awfully exhausting and draining? he didn't know what this could be; out of the days he'd missed home, this was far by, the most.

pulling the sheets closer towards his chest, he allowed his head to absorb the texture and scent. this wasn't like his home at all, neither did he feel like he'd belonged here.

just when can he go?

he was too lost in thoughts of his own desire that he didn't realise there was a knock on the door, the sound of the door opening and a head peeping out. "jisung? are you awake?"

despite only staying here for almost a week, jisung could already immediately recognise the voices of each demon. he shifted around the bed to meet eyes with the male standing by the door, eventually getting up moments later.

"oh good morning hyunjin, do you need something?" jisung smiled when he guessed right, it was indeed only the presence of the taller.

hyunjin smiled back when he saw that he was finally awake, making him open the door wider. "can i come in?"

"yeah sure." jisung didn't hesitate to say, watching as hyunjin walked further into the room.

"how are you feeling? are you hungry? i can fix something for you to eat right now." hyunjin spoke, sitting beside jisung on the bed.

"oh later, thanks. i'm fine, i just nearly forgot today was meant to be my day off." jisung joked with a small laugh, the taller chuckling softly in response.

"that can happen, you've been working hard so i wanted to give you a day off." hyunjin resumed, staring gently into his eyes. "you can do whatever you wanna do today, it's all up to you."

this made jisung smile even more, feeling relieved. "how about you though? i feel bad if i'm the only one taking a day off."

"don't worry about me. i'm a demon so this is nothing for me, also we need someone to continue working otherwise who would do all of the work? chan wouldn't obviously let us, demons anyways." hyunjin reassured, causing jisung to smile in uncertainty.

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