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jisung couldn't stop fiddling with his fingers no matter what, he was just far too anxious. as he could feel countless flutters of uneasiness filling his stomach, his eyes couldn't help but wander nervously around his surroundings.

that was when hyunjin took a notice of that, causing him to turn around to smile reassuringly at him. he smiled as he gently placed a hand on his shoulder, hoping he would somehow calm down. "it'll be okay, trust me." 

"but what if he gets fuming at me again? what if i annoy him to death? what if-"

"i'm sure that won't happen. chan's now aware of his actions, he'll make sure it doesn't happen again. also, i'll be outside if something happens so don't worry, i'll make sure he doesn't hurt you like last time, not that it would happen." hyunjin reassured.

"yeah i know but," jisung sighed deeply, his anxiety rising up. "will this even work?"

this made hyunjin smile wider, unable to stop nodding his head vigorously in enthusiasm. "of course it will! it seems like you and chan are getting closer than before, he won't get angry at you. i promise." 

jisung sighed once more, still doubting everything. will chan really be softer towards him? will he not explode dangerously at him again? just what was the meaning of all this? let's just say he wasn't really used to the whole sudden changes, it was so sudden for him to process.

"i hope so." was all jisung said, his voice sounding a bit of a mutter. it wasn't long however, when the two males soon found themselves in front of chan's office before they knew it.

the taller turned to face him again, continuing to smile at him. "you know the drill. knock first." 

he nodded as he carefully listened in to his words, seungmin's words from before running through his head moments later. 'chan doesn't like people barging in without his permission.' jisung nodded to his own thoughts, this time making sure he didn't make any mistakes.

he didn't know what was suddenly up with him caring all of this, wasn't his first priority was to get his questions answered and go home? that soon clicked inside of him, now realising what was happening. 

if he were to work with him in exchange for having his questions answered, surely he'd need to not cause any problems and cooperate. and jisung, now learning from his mistakes, could find the link with being able to get on chan's good side and go home.

it was all up to him. life or death - it was his decision anyways.

knocking the door for a couple of times, he waited for a short second before opening his mouth, "uhh, it's me jisung."

there was sudden silence for a moment, jisung anticipating his answer. that was when he heard a blunt voice coming from the inside to which he couldn't help but take a deep breath afterwards. "come in."

after receiving a quiet encouragement from hyunjin smiling at him, he finally took another deep breath and eventually opened the door. this suddenly gave him a familiar feeling, almost like this had already happened to him before. 

'oh right, this felt like the first time when i met him.' jisung thought to himself, now reminiscing back to the first time he was here. how did he completely forget about that feeling? 

no matter how many times he does this, he was sure these emotions he was currently feeling would always go back to him. it was understandable, considering how he'd forgotten the tense and nerve-wrecking situation.

as jisung stepped further into the room, he failed to notice the older seated at his desk while staring cautiously yet silently at him. it didn't take him long when he soon noticed red, glowing light coming from the direction, making him look over to meet chan's eyes.

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