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jisung groaned in frustration, tiredly flopping onto the bed after finally completing his last work. he didn't expect it to already be this exhausting considering the fact that it'd only been his first day; he couldn't even imagine going through the same pain for 3 months straight.

'am i just gonna do this for 3 months? can i go home already?' he thought to himself, already dying to go home. he couldn't take this anymore, was working for chan always been this tiring? 

nothing but the thoughts of wanting to go back clouded his head, missing his friends like crazy. what kind of place have no phones? or chargers? if he was gonna stay here for a while then at least he'd be able to access data on his phone.

what was this? torture without his phone? despite it only being a few days since he'd stayed here, he knew that he couldn't stand this any longer - he just had to go home.

"why does it feel like hell?" he muttered when he soon realised something stupid. "what am i saying? this place is apparently hell itself. ugh, it feels so much worse than my normal job."

it wasn't until he heard another knock on the door, causing him to slowly sit up in confusion. the door then opened, revealing a smiling hyunjin as he held a tray of food from him. "i figured you'd be hungry, good work by the way." 

jisung softly smiled at the taller before him, watching as he placed it on his lap. "thanks, i forgot i was hungry." he joked with a chuckle to which hyunjin just chuckled along.

"how did you find the work?" hyunjin questioned, making him groan in pain.

"how do you guys deal with this?" jisung groaned once again as he began to eat his food.

"i guess we're used to it. but yeah, it did feel like torture when we first started, i'm sure you'll get used to it as well." he explained with a reassured smile, causing him to shrug in response.

"i doubt that, you guys are demons so it's different. i'm literally a human working for a demon." jisung reasoned, hyunjin only smiling even wider moments later.

"it's not that bad really, doesn't it feel like work from your world?" hyunjin asked with curious eyes.

he shook his head at his words, sighing heavily even more. "it's far worse than my usual work. this feels like i'm some sort of slave or house maid, my work is much simpler and less tiring." 

"don't worry, you'll do fine. you must be tired after working for the whole day, you should get some rest soon, you have to wake up super early anyways." hyunjin explained to which he widened his eyes in shock.

"wait what? what do you mean super early?" jisung questioned confusingly, not understanding what he'd meant by that.

"like 5 in the morning. as chan said, we mustn't be late for our work and slack off. the earlier we start working, the more he'll see how hard we're working. you want him to answer your questions and get home don't you?" the taller asked, earning a tired groan from jisung.

he instantly dropped back down after eating, not wanting to deal with it anymore. this was passed his limits, it was clearly too much for him. maybe he'd overestimated it a bit too far, this wasn't what he'd expected at all.

chan was right, it was tortuous for him to take. how long could he last? in fact, could he even manage to survive through 3 months of just pain and torment?

eventually smiling at the male lying dead on the bed, hyunjin picked the tray up as he lastly patted his shoulder. "it'll be okay, just shower and get some sleep. i'll see you tomorrow, sleep well." 

"okay, good night." jisung managed to speak out to which hyunjin smiled wider while finally walking out of the door.

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