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jisung sprung his eyes open in shock as he immediately sat up, now gasping for air. what just happened? did he pass out? when?

and most importantly, why did his ass hurt so bad? he looked down with watery eyes, his breathing becoming faster. it couldn't be, did he just got his ass fucked by demons?

"it can't be..." jisung heavily breathed in horror, his eyes trembling tremendously.

how could they do this to him without any mercy? how could they? just why? why did they enjoy seeing him in so much pain and torment? was it that pleasurable to see?

no matter how much he tried to reason with it, nothing came to his head. it was impossible, to even try to understand them at all. they were nothing but horrendous devils, born with unforgiveable lust and sin.

shuddering to himself in fear, jisung wrapped his arms around his legs, pulling himself closer. where was he now? why is it so dark? and strangely enough, he saw no signs of the demons anywhere. neither could he even hear them.

what was happening? what were they planning to do to him now? where were they? not knowing all of the answers himself, jisung helplessly closed his eyes in fear.

he didn't wanna think about any of this any longer, it was far too horrifying for him to even remember. the only thing that was keeping him sane at the moment was chan, no one else but the older; the one demon that gave him nothing but happiness.

just by thinking about him alone, slightly calmed him down a bit. it wasn't a lie that jisung was desperately hoping to see him again, for all of this to end.

he couldn't stand being in changbin's mansion anymore, neither does he ever wanna go through it again. he just hoped he'd wake up for it to be nothing but just a nightmare, a frightening nightmare that hopefully has an end.

when was he gonna see chan once again? when can he finally be safe and sound in his arms? maybe he should've listened to the others, if only he didn't go outside the mansion.

none of this would've happened, he would've still be with chan at this very moment. it was his stupidity and generosity that brought him here, he should've listened.

internally beating himself inside, jisung cowered to himself. 'i can't take this anymore.' his eyes tremendously shook, slowly losing himself and the will to keep surviving through this.

'i miss my world... my friends.... i wanna go home.' jisung thought to himself, his breath becoming heavier than before.

at this point, jisung just wanted it all to be over.

just please, stop...

when will this be over? i just wanna go home...

i can't do this any longer...


and with that last thought invading his mind, everything around him suddenly blackened out.


"hey, are you sure he's not dead or something?"

"what? no! he just passed out, i'm telling you!"

"then, why isn't he waking up?"

"how the fuck am i suppose to know? he's just a weak human, that's probably why!"

"i swear to god changbin. if he's actually dead, chan will kill us all."

"are you an idiot? i won't let that happen!"

"well, you got to do something, i'm not involved-"

changbin groaned in frustration, aggressively shaking jisung. "wake up, you asshole." he cursed under his breath, cold eyes deadly glaring at him.

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