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already a few days into the last month and jisung couldn't stop thinking about something, more specifically, one particular thing - chan's unexpected smile.

he was sure he'd never seen him ever smile before, neither have the other demons seen him smile for years. had it really been that long?

how long has chan been hiding such beautiful smile? but there was one thing jisung could clarify, and that was indeed, chan does have the more pure yet alluring smile ever.

hyunjin was right, it was as if it felt like a blessing whenever he smiled. and jisung was in such bliss to finally see this side of him; he was certain he wouldn't be able to see it at all.

and he was wrong, he just didn't think that time would be now. and that exact moment.

how special he felt, to see a more innocent and gentle side of chan, who deserves all the love. jisung wanted to give it to him, he wanted chan to be filled with pure content and happiness.

"wait, hold up." hyunjin breathed out, widening his eyes in shock. jisung just stood there and nod, only smiling gracefully at him. "you're not joking right? he didn't actually right?"

jisung said nothing else and smiled, that alone earned a huge reaction from hyunjin. "oh my god, you're not lying? chan actually smiled?" hyunjin continued to breath out, completely speechless.

"of course not, why would i lie to you?" jisung lightly chuckled, soon widening his smile. "i don't joke around like that."

"jisung, how did you do that?" hyunjin only squealed happily, immediately embracing jisung into a tight hug. "that's like, mission impossible. chan never smiles!'

"yeah, i guess he really liked those fox chomps i cooked for him." he answered, giving the older gentle pats. "but it's all thanks to you. you helped me out since i never did something like that."

smiling unbelievably wider, hyunjin eventually pulled away. "of course i'd help! sooner or later, you'll be an expert in cooking demon food."

"i don't know if i should be crying inside or purely happy." jisung joked around, laughing nervously.

"happy of course! especially when chan's gonna be your future husband!" hyunjin said with a smile, only making jisung blush from being taken aback.

"w-wait hold on, future husband?" jisung stammered, entirely taken aback. "what-"

"is he not?" hyunjin innocently said while slightly tilting his head, not seem to be understanding why jisung was acting that way. "don't you guys like each other?"

"of course we do!" jisung reasoned with a hard blush, his head unable to process what he'd just said. "it's just that... that was too-"

hyunjin only interrupted with a wide smile, causing jisung to pause. "then that's enough! i can't wait for that day to happen, don't forget to invite me to your wedding when it happens!"

not knowing what to say afterwards, jisung just answered with a small, nervous smile. 'should i just leave it like that? he seems to be really excited about it.' he silently thought to himself.

only remaining silent for a few minutes, hyunjin took the silence as an answer from him. continuing to squeal excitedly, it wasn't until a sudden thought sparked inside jisung's mind.

"urm hyunjin," jisung suddenly called out, making hyunjin turn to face him - his enormous smile still displayed on his face. this made him freeze for a second, not knowing how to say this to him.

it wasn't until hyunjin noticed something was off, his smile slightly faltering away. "what is it jisung? why do you look so sad?"

"hm?" jisung hummed out of the blue, snapping out of thoughts. "oh, it's nothing. it's just..."

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