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a day has passed since chan last kissed him and yet, jisung couldn't stop thinking about it. despite it only being yesterday, it felt like he'd been longing for a long time.

'shit, why can't i stop thinking about it?' jisung thought, having no idea why he was unable to forget about it. the way chan's soft lips were against him, moving along with his.

the more he thought about it, the more his cheeks were heating up. to the point jisung was as red as a tomato. meanwhile hyunjin couldn't help but find him adorable, how he couldn't stop blushing about it.

"someone's blushing." hyunjin said in a teasing voice, smiling widely at him. "i guess they've been having a tremendous time together with someone."

"w-what?" jisung unknowingly blushed even more, getting flustered about it. "oh no, we didn't do anything last night. we just had a dinner night together."

"so," he paused for a moment, leaning forwards to him. "why is your face turning red?"

this made jisung nervously gulp, not knowing what else to say to him. should he tell hyunjin about it? that he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss from the other night?

no matter how much he thought about it, hyunjin would eventually find out either way. he could trust hyunjin about it? right?

"well..." he began, trying to busy himself with his work. "you know when you told me to go to the rooftop the other night?"

"yeah, what about it?" hyunjin questioned, his face soon growing intrigue. "hold on, you haven't told me what happened that night. so? what exactly happened between you two?"

"that night..." jisung paused for a moment, blinking slowly. "before he confessed to me..."

"yes, go on." hyunjin widened his smile, leaning against the counter to watch his expression.

there was silence for a moment, jisung eventually plucking up the courage to tell him. "he... kissed me." he finally said, briefly turning his head around to see hyunjin.

and just by watching hyunjin's taken aback expression, caused jisung to gulp once again. only smiling even wider moments, hyunjin grinned. "i'm so happy for you!!" he screamed excitedly, almost immediately engulfing him into a hug.

"yeah..." jisung softly smiled. "he did it out of nowhere though! it caught me off guard, i just sat there unable to process anything."

lightly chuckling in response, hyunjin eventually pulled away. "yeah, he tends to do that out of surprise. i'm guessing he did that without saying anything."

"he did," jisung blushed, just by thinking about it. "it was so sudden. i had to pull away for him to give me some sort of explanation. i didn't expect him to like me back..." he smiled.

"and he didn't expect that either! both of you had feelings for each other yet none of you knew." hyunjin chuckled again. "it was a good thing i told him though."

"yeah, thank you. we're together now." jisung smiled even more. "and last night, was amazing. i didn't know he'd prepared something big for me."

hyunjin smiled greatly at his words, walking away to do his work. "i don't know if you can tell but, chan's so romantic. he can literally prepare anything humongous just to make you happy."

the moment jisung heard that from hyunjin, he couldn't help but blush madly. chan would literally do that much to him? how much does he love him?

that was when a sudden thought came across jisung's mind, making him pause for a moment. 'wait... chan's doing all this and yet i haven't done much for him. what should i do?' he thought.

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