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it had already been a week since jisung came to hell and let's just say, it wasn't as bad as he thought. he'd already gotten used to the work he'd made contracts with and the accommodation wasn't bad either.

everyone seemed pretty welcoming and friendly to him that he was no longer as worried or afraid than before. even though it still didn't feel like he was at home, at least he was able to survive the 3 months.

but what occupied his mind wasn't because of that or anything else but the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. more specifically, chan's unusual words.

looking over to the black rose beside his bed, jisung took a moment to reminisce back to what had happened with chan. "hatred. death. despair. do you still like them?"

"why was he asking me that question?" jisung asked quietly to himself, still not knowing the reason behind his actions.

no matter how hard he tried to think, it was so strange yet unusual. something that have never happened to him before, were they suppose to mean anything? or was it just out of curiosity?

ruffling his hair roughly, jisung turned to the front. "and gosh, why did he have to say that so close?" he questioned once more, unable to forget about chan's stares and expression.

'is it me or is he becoming so hot every time i look at him? and he-' jisung thought to himself, a thought soon coming to his head.

"argh?! why did he suddenly say my smile was cute?? like what the fuck, what was all that?" he abruptly exclaimed, suddenly feeling his cheeks heat up at the words ringing inside him.

"keep smiling." that was when jisung paused for a moment, attempting to process it.

had chan always been like this? was he actually a nice demon and not evil? what was going on?

"he's so strange. but what's even more strange was that it made me feel good." jisung said after moment of thoughts, unable to stop smiling to himself.

after sitting there and recollecting his thoughts, he soon decided to get out of bed, ready to begin his day. 'time to get ready i guess.' he then thought, about to get out when he heard his door slammed open.

"jisung?! are you okay??" hyunjin abruptly barged into the room, a concerned expression written everywhere on his face.

"huh? hyunjin?" jisung asked in confusion, not knowing why the taller was suddenly there.

"i heard loud screaming so i came to check." hyunjin explained, taking a moment to observe him.

at first, jisung had no idea what he was saying, it wasn't until a few seconds later to which he instantly realised. 'wait? it was that loud?'

"you heard that??" jisung asked, causing hyunjin to nod in response. "oh sorry, i was just frustrated with something. i'm fine though." he smiled.

"oh phew, i thought you were hurt." hyunjin sighed in relief, walking towards him.

jisung only smiled at him, while feeling a bit embarrassed by his earlier actions. "don't worry about it, i'm not that clumsy myself."

"that's great, how are you feeling by the way?" hyunjin smiled back, eventually sitting on his bed.

"i'm feeling good, you?" jisung asked.

"i'm okay too." he responded, pausing for a moment to look around his room when he soon looked up to meet his eyes. "did chan possibly give you that?"

"hm?" jisung unknowingly questioned, eyes then drifting to the direction of the black rose. "uh yeah, he did. why?"

"that's rare of him to do that..." hyunjin almost mumbled, jisung catching it.

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