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till this day, jisung still couldn't stop thinking about the fight that happened a week ago. he just couldn't seem to believe it one bit, the fact he'd lost the most precious demon friend of his, the way he'd died in his arms.

the way he'd disintegrated and vanished into thin air as if he never existed in the first place, why did this world have to be so cruel? why did he have to lose hyunjin like this? if only there was something he could've done, he would still be alive.

working for chan as usual, but somehow everything seemed so strangely empty - it felt empty. with no presence of the taller anyways, no sight of him to be seen. did he really have this leave like this? without saying a proper goodbye to him?

even the once excited life of his stay in hell felt different, everything did. it felt as if something was missing, a particular someone that was. even when jisung would walk into the kitchen to work, he couldn't see that joyous smile that used to greet him.

not to forget the fact he would always wake him up with an enthusiastic actions, but now, he wasn't here anymore. and jisung never felt this lonely, this empty. everything felt off.

even minho and jeongin didn't know what to do, they were completely stuck. to try to talk jisung through his loss; in fact, they, themselves didn't know how to cope with the feelings. they were also melancholy about the whole thing, wondering how they were gonna do this without him.

how did everything turn like this? if only chan didn't have to fight changbin, hyunjin would be still here with him. if only jisung could see the future, he would've done anything he could to prevent this from happening. but what now?

hyunjin was clearly gone, from his sight, from his presence and lastly, from hell. but one thing that was clear, and that was that he was always gonna be in jisung's heart, living there forever. he wasn't gonna forget him one bit.

he would always reminisce back tot he fun and contented moments he didn't want to end, the day he'd met and grew close to him. jisung was never gonna forget about it, in fact, hyunjin was gonna stay in everyone's heart and memory.

and that was for definite.

"jisung?" a sudden voice snapped him back into reality, jisung turning around to see seungmin staring worriedly at him.

"oh seungmin..." jisung lightly smiled, turning his whole body to him. "what is it?"

this made seungmin stare into his eyes for a moment before finally answering. "oh, it's nothing. um, it's nearly time for chan's coronation."

"oh right, i'll be there soon." jisung smiled.

"say, are you sure you're okay? you seemed to be staring off into space a lot these days." seungmin worriedly asked him. "is it, you know... about hwang?"

unknowingly releasing a heavy sigh he didn't realise he'd been holding in, jisung eventually nodded. "yeah, i just... really miss him that's all."

"i figured. i'm sure he misses you as well. you were his very close friend after all, you meant something really important to him. even if chan didn't order him to protect you, he still would've done it anyways." seungmin reassuringly smiled. "so, don't blame yourself much for it."

"i know seungmin, thanks." jisung replied with a smile back, soon walking away.


"channie?" jisung confusingly called out as he entered the room, making chan turn around to face him at the call of his name.

"jisung," chan answered while walking towards him. "are you okay? you don't look that well." he worriedly said with soft eyes, his hands cupping his face.

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