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"man, i'm beat." felix tiredly yawned, stretching his arms out as he walked into the building.

changbin and jisung said nothing in the meantime, only walking inside after him. it had already been a few hours since they went out, the sky soon darkening from being outside for too long.

"well, you went wild for the past 2 hours so i'm not surprised." changbin playfully rolled his eyes, causing jisung to chuckle in response.

"not my fault. i'm just full of energy," felix grinned. "but damn, when was the last time we hung out. it's been quite a while."

"yeah... it's been months." jisung quietly mumbled to himself, the thoughts of finally seeing his friends invaded his mind.

this caused felix to stop on track, only turning around to stare at him in confusion. "i mean, the last time we hung out was 2 weeks ago."

"oh." jisung gasped in realisation. it wasn't a lie that he'd completely forgotten the time was entirely different between hell and the human world.

ever since 3 months of staying in hell, jisung had been home sick. the time there felt like months passed, years even despite it only being a few days since he'd last seen them.

he couldn't help but miss his friends to death, even if they had already see him. "hey jisung," changbin called out to which he turned around to face him. "are you really okay? we don't have to stay at your house for a sleepover if you don't feel well-"

"oh no, it's okay." jisung smiled widely, putting his hands in defence. "i just really love you guys, that's all. it felt like i haven't hung out in so long that 2 weeks seemed like it's been months."

there was silence for a moment, changbin and felix not saying anything for a moment. it wasn't until felix suddenly laughed, that made jisung smile awkwardly.

"you really can't live without us, can you?" felix gave him a smug face.

"more like he can't live without me," changbin chuckled, causing felix to eye him hard. "i know you guys can't live without me, seo changbin." 

"yeah, yeah." jisung rolled his eyes, making felix laugh.

changbin could only blink slowly in slight embarrassment, folding his arms cutely in response. "whatever, you just can't resist me. and both of you can't deny it."

"whatever you said, dwaekki boy." felix mocked as he began walking again. jisung couldn't help but laugh at the tease, eventually remembering how much he'd loved their company.

it was honestly a great feeling, to be able to see his friends again after for what felt so long. even though changbin and felix didn't understand any of that, jisung really loved being back home.

all of the food he'd terribly missed, he was so blissed to finally enjoy them again. today was gonna be something he could never forget: his apartment, the seoul food, his friends and most importantly, his phone.

there was so many things he'd wanted to do again now that he was back, so many things that he couldn't do in hell. everything was back to normal. or was it?

'it would be amazing if channie tried these food.' jisung smiled widely to himself, soon realising what he was thinking about. 'wait, what am i saying?'

a normal life without chan? how was he gonna possibly cope with that? no matter how hard he tried to 'live' his life before even all of that, his mind just couldn't stop averting back to the older, almost as if he couldn't stop thinking about him.

'stop jisung! he's not here-'

"jisung?" changbin called out, causing him to snap out of thoughts.

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