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jisung watched as hyunjin's smile only widen even more the more he spoke, the taller unable to stop smirking. "w-what?" jisung asked in unawareness, completely baffled with his actions.

this only made hyunjin chuckle in delight, shifting his position a bit. "oh it's nothing," he kept smirking, looking even more intrigued. "just happy about what you just said."

"but," jisung tried to argue. "are you really sure?"

"of course i'm sure! i'm just so happy for you, that's all. the fact you actually found out yourself in such a short amount of time." hyunjin grinned excitedly, exploding out of happiness.

"is that how i really feel about chan?" jisung questioned almost to himself, mumbling in response.

is that really it? the whole reason behind all of the bizarre feelings he couldn't figure out? was it really that? or is he just misunderstanding things?

whatever it was, jisung couldn't help but feel his heart race a bit faster at the thoughts of it. hyunjin just smiled at him, not saying anything at first. it wasn't when he finally decided to open his mouth again.

"well, you tell me. how do you really feel about him?" hyunjin unknowingly asked.

"urm... quite different to how i normally feel to be honest. it's just that he makes me feel a lot of things at once and i just can't tell exactly what it is i feel around him." jisung explained, still slightly finding it hard to believe.

was that really him falling for the older? or could it just be some strong feeling of friendship?

"you said it before didn't you? that he makes your heart flutter and beat extremely fast. and that when you're around him, you feel safe and comfortable, almost like you can be your own self around him." hyunjin spoke, hoping he'd understand.

jisung said nothing but nodded in response, completely agreeing with what he was saying. whatever hyunjin was saying was true, he did feel those kind of emotions. 

but would that really be considered experiencing love? or could it be something different? no matter how hard jisung tried to figure out, he just couldn't tell.

it wasn't a lie though, love was just such a complex and puzzling concept in life. and jisung, never experiencing it before, couldn't believe it.

"yeah, he kind of makes me special as well. like those bunch of roses he'd give me..." he mumbled, unable to stop thinking about chan's actions towards him - and most importantly, showing his soft side.

"mhm! can't you tell? this is chan's way of showing affection. he's never done that before to anyone, those roses mean a lot to him. so him actually giving it someone like you, it's a complete first. he must've been really fond of you to do that. that's just the kind of demon he is." hyunjin smiled, resuming. "he's a very confusing guy at first but once you get to know him, you can read him like a book."

"i see..." jisung mumbled, soon finding himself wanting to know chan way more than before.

he just wanted to be the one he could rely on, someone who can understand him and stay by his side. jisung wanted that, he wanted to know the older more than anyone else.

but how was that gonna be possible? when he know way little to everyone? 

"don't worry! i'm sure you'll truly understand him someday." hyunjin smiled in reassurance, attempting to comfort him.

"but..." jisung suddenly trailed off, instantly attracting hyunjin's attention to him. "how is this possible?"

"what's possible?" he asked.

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