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"ouch!" jisung suddenly winced, feeling the sharp pain from the cut of his finger.

"oh sorry, does it hurt that bad?" hyunjin worriedly apologised, looking up to stare at him with concerned yet unknown eyes.

jisung smiled in reassurance, shaking his head. "no, i'm just being a wimp. thank you though." he said, watching hyunjin patch it up.

the taller said nothing as he just smiled, finally wrapping a plaster around his finger before closing the first aid kit. "you should be more careful next time."

"yeah, i will. i just accidentally touched the sharp part of the glass while i was picking it up." jisung reasoned, smiling widely.

"what happened? i've never seen chan this ballistic before." hyunjin questioned, wanting to know more about what'd happened earlier.

"well..." jisung sighed heavily as he shuffled slightly on the bed to get comfy. "while i was cleaning up his desk, i found this picture of him with a girl. i figured she'd be the person you were talking about."

the moment he heard the words come out of his mouth, hyunjin slightly widened his eyes in shock. "that picture you saw... does the girl have black hair?"

jisung unknowingly nodded in response, trying to reminisce back to when he saw the girl. "is that the person chan fell in love with?"

he nodded moments later, eventually placing the first aid kit on his lap. "he was so in love with her. she was someone special to him, he never wanted her to leave. but seeing as though he still went fuming when you broke the frame, i'm sure he still likes her or something. or maybe he doesn't wanna forget."

"but, why though? after how she betrayed and hurt him like that? wasn't he badly hurt? how does he not wanna forget about it?" jisung continued to bombard him with questions, finding himself wanting to know more.

hyunjin sighed heavily at his countless questions, not knowing what to tell him. "i-i don't know... chan despises them and swore to himself he'll never trust or fall in love with a human ever again."

"that guy doesn't make sense. if someone used you like that, surely you'd wanna forget about it. why does he still treat it as if she's still special?" jisung asked in confusion, not understanding him.

"there's a lot of things we still don't know about him. he's someone mysterious and secretive, seungmin's the only one closest yet he doesn't fully know either." hyunjin shrugged with a sad frown.

"but even so, who'd wanna keep that after what happened? 3 years as well, that's crazy!" jisung shockingly exclaimed, wide eyes showing.

"yeah it is. you never really know to be honest, it could be something else. anyways, you should get some rest. today's been crazy." hyunjin said while standing up, soon smiling down at him.

"wait! about earlier... how do i fix the picture frame? i wanna fix it for him." jisung slightly raised his voice, causing hyunjin to stare unknowingly.



jisung pouted at the reply he didn't want, still not giving up nonetheless. "please... you don't have to fix it for me, i'll do it myself."

"i said no, are you deaf?" seungmin growled with such cold eyes, his voice sounding stern and tough.

"why not? i just wanna fix it for chan. you heard how i broke it right? and he got angry." jisung continued to reason, attempting to convince him.

"and i've got nothing to do with it. it's not my fault you're stupid enough to go messing things up." seungmin replied, about to walk away when jisung suddenly grabbed his arms.

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