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jisung didn't know why but he couldn't stop moving, as if his feet were entirely glued down to the ground. what was this strange, eerie feeling he could feel down his back?

no matter how hard he tried to ignore the feeling, he couldn't. it felt so menacing and murderous, the chilly sensation running through his body, making him unknowingly shiver.

without him realising, his breathing pace started to slow down. it wasn't a lie that he felt frightened under the male's vicious stares. just who was he? why did he feel so horrified?

it wasn't until the unknown male noticed the slight tremble coming from jisung's eyes, only causing him to widen his intimidating smile. "what's wrong? are you, perhaps scared?"

'no! i mustn't reveal my true emotions to him. otherwise who knows what he'd do to me.' jisung then thought in desperate panic, not wanting to show his weakness to him. 

this caused him to lift a weak smile, one that tried its best to show no suspicions. "o-oh, no i wasn't. i was just, in awe by how handsome you looked. i'm terribly sorry for bumping into you by the way, i should've looked where i was going." jisung finally spoke, hoping he'd buy it.

the male said nothing for a moment, only piercing dangerously into his eyes. jisung nervously gulped, his heart throbbing in fear. did he say something wrong?

that was when the male suddenly laughed in the most disturbing way, sending more chills down his back. "oh? is that so? what a great taste you have, very amusing." he evilly smirked at him.

"do i? well, thank you. i'll get going then, sorry for wasting your time." jisung alarmedly spoke with a nervous smile, quickly bowing down to him before almost instantly walking away.

as the male silently watched jisung disappear from his sight with deadly eyes, his sinister smirk immediately dropped. he was now glaring dangerously at the direction he left, abruptly kissing his teeth in response.

"what an obnoxious mortal." 

"oh gosh, what was that about?" jisung mumbled to himself, panting heavily when he was finally out of his sight. he released a relieved sigh, feeling completely reassured that he was able to get out of the situation. "that was so terrifying, i've never felt that before. it felt like he was gonna kill me." 

he then rested his back against the wall just outside the kitchen, finding himself coming straight back. 'i was supposed to be in the dining room to entertain them but i couldn't even do that, he was literally heading the same way.'

it wasn't until a sudden thought ran inside his head, causing him to suddenly stop to think. 'wait... if he was heading that way and i've never seen him before, could he be...?'

before jisung could think any further, he was then interrupted by a sudden voice, a shocked yelp coming out from him. "jisung?" 

he swiftly whipped his head to face hyunjin, the taller's eyes widening at the unexpected action. "oh, it was just you, hyunjin." jisung sighed in relief once more, eventually smiling back at him. "what is it?" 

"oh, urm..." hyunjin replied, his voice sounding unsure. "the event should be starting at any second now. the arrangements are already prepared but i'll bring them out afterwards, let's go and hear the speech from chan first." he explained, concerned eyes still looking at him.

"oh really?" jisung smiled, turning around to begin to walk. "let's go then." 

"wait jisung," hyunjin interrupted, causing jisung to turn back around. "are you okay? you seemed shocked when i called your name. did something happen?" 

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