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"what the fuck do you think you're doing hwang?"

"i'm so sorry seungmin! it was an accident!"

"accident? wait until chan hears about this."

'what's going on?' jisung thought to himself, his eyes slowly opening from hearing unknown voices.

what was going on? surely there wouldn't be anyone in his room at this time of night. neither would he waking up to something like this.

just what the heck is happening?

he was sure he was in his bathroom a few moments ago, trying to wash his face. and he was sure he remember feeling his room shake immensely, what even was that?

not to forget the fact he felt an immense force push him into something. and that something caused him to go further and further away. almost as if...

that was when it had hit him, it had the exact same feeling as when chan pushed him. did he perhaps, go through another portal? if so, could that mean...?

'wait! did i hear that right? hyunjin, seungmin and chan's name? oh my gosh, am i-' jisung immediately sprung at the realisation, everything making sense.

so he was pushed into a portal, out of nowhere. could that possibly mean he was back in here? back in hell? jisung widened his eyes in shock, the whole surrounding appearing familiar to him.

"h-hyunjin?" he finally called out, causing both males before him to suddenly stop talking.

slowly turning around to meet jisung's eyes, hyunjin also widened his eyes in shock. "j-jisung? is that you?!"

"no way..." seungmin gasped in shock, unable to believe it. how could it be? that they just so happen to randomly see jisung on the floor?

"how did i..." jisung trailed off, feeling the hardened floor beneath him. "how did i get here?"

"oh my gosh," hyunjin only stepped towards him, eyes sparkling in immense excitement. "it really is you! i can't believe it!"

and with that, he immediately rushed over to engulf jisung into a tight hug. "you smell the same! and your voice, and your appearance. i'm not dreaming right? i'm actually seeing jisung here!"

"h-hyunjin..." jisung attempted to choke out, suffocating a bit in hyunjin's arms.

the taller soon realised he was hugging him a bit tighter than ever and pulled away with a massive smile. "oh, i'm sorry! i was just so happy to see you!"

this made jisung smile it off, shaking his head in reassurance. "no, it's okay. i'm also really happy to see you too." he then looked over to seungmin standing over there. "the both of you."

hyunjin eventually took his hands off jisung and smiled even wider. he just couldn't believe it, to finally see him again. his most closest human friend he'd ever made.

and it wasn't a lie that jisung felt the same way, he was just as relieved to see the both of them again. 'so, i'm back in hell right?'

there was nothing that could describe how ecstatic jisung was. to finally see his demon friends, to finally go back to hell and hopefully see chan again.

speaking of chan, where the heck is he?

"how did i get here? i swore i was in my bathroom a few minutes ago until i felt something push me into a portal, i think?" jisung curiously asked, glancing over to both hyunjin and seungmin.

before hyunjin could excitedly answer, seungmin beat him to it. "hwang stupidly summoned the portal without chan's permission. and now he's gonna get into trouble."

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