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"so? how did it go?" was the first thing jisung heard the moment he left the room. before he realised it, he was then met with seungmin's suspicious gaze.

"what?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow, now knowing what he was going on about.

"well, from what i've interpreted, i bet you made yourself an enemy of chan." seungmin answered as he scoffed, folding his arms seconds later.

jisung thought for a moment at his words, reminiscing back to earlier when he was in the room. "i guess so..."

"see? that's not good, seems like you and chan are off to a bad start." seungmin continued after hearing his response, already walking to lead the way.

"but!" jisung interrupted, causing the male to turn around with a cautious stare. "i signed a contract that i'd work for him for 3 months."

he watched as seungmin slightly widened his eyes, not expecting to hear the words come out of his mouth. "what did you say?"

"i mean... i needed to know how to get back. i tried asking him but he said he wouldn't do it for free." he resumed.

"so? you sold your soul off to him?" seungmin questioned in awareness, still unable to process what he'd said.

jisung processed his question for a few seconds before unknowingly nodding, this caused seungmin to sigh annoyingly. "you do realise what you've done right?"

"what do you mean?" jisung nervously asked, his anxiety slowly building up inside him in shock.

as seungmin slowly walked towards him with each small steps, jisung couldn't help but gulp at every few seconds gone passed. he could feel his heart drop heavily, not knowing what to expect from him.

"boy, you literally sold your soul off to a devil." seungmin reminded while pausing for a minute as he continued. "and not just any devil, a powerful and cunning one."

"so... what's gonna happen? is something bad gonna happen to me?" jisung continued to question in worry. "i-i just wanted to get back! i had no choice, i had nothing else to offer and it was the only option-"

"well, let's just say that whatever you're gonna go through the next 3 months, isn't easy." seungmin explained before turning around to begin walking. "it may feel torturous."

"what... really? oh my gosh, what have i done?" jisung began to panick, not believing what he'd done. was it really his fault to blame? it wasn't like he was naive or anything, he was just desperate.

desperate to get back home and continue to live with his normal life he'd always wanted. that was all he ever desired, to return home and pretend nothing like this has happened.

but now that he was somewhat here, what more could he do? he was basically useless here, neither does he have anything to protect himself. he just wanted to go back.

seungmin stopped walking for moment as he turned around once again, easily noticing the anxious and regretful jisung. "but even so, you don't have to worry that much i guess."

"huh...?" jisung asked in confusion, staring weirdly at him. seungmin sighed heavily once more as he stared back boldly.

"it may feel torturous but i'm sure you'll do fine. as long as you follow chan's orders and satisfy him, you won't be suffering for long." seungmin explained, unknowingly reassuring him when he turned around again. "now are you gonna follow me or what?"

"oh right, sorry." jisung almost mumbled to himself, beginning to start walking after him. as he continued to follow seungmin back to the room, countless thoughts ran through his head every second spent.

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