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unable to stop blinking rapidly, jisung froze. what was that all of a sudden? why was the older suddenly asking him this? with countless questions forming inside his head, he remained silent.

'where is he going with this?' jisung thought to himself, attempting to search for something. all he could see however, were cold eyes staring back.

"oh urm, what's with that all of a sudden-"

"do you?" chan briefly interrupted once again, his voice sounding stern and rough.

this instantly signaled jisung to shut himself up from asking too many questions, he figured he didn't wanna start any controversy. he should really stop annoying chan even if it wasn't his intention. even if he was just curious and puzzled.

"urm, yeah i do." jisung finally answered, asking himself the questions he'd wanted to be answered.

there was silence for a moment, awkwardness filling the whole entire room. chan just stood there silently, continuously staring at him blankly, his expression hadn't changed at all.

'did i say something wrong?' jisung found himself asking again, not knowing why chan wasn't saying anything. did he make a mistake?

"i mean, if-"

"follow me." was all chan said, turning around to leave the room in utter silence.

no matter how many times jisung asked himself what was going on, he remained silent. he figured the older would be tired of hearing his unnecessary questions anyways, maybe following him and finding out himself would be better.

with many confused questions forming inside his head, jisung gulped unknowingly and followed from behind. as he continued to walk behind chan with no words exchanged between them, jisung couldn't help but fiddle with his fingers nervously.

just where was he taking him? why did he ask such a random yet unusual question like that? what was going on? had chan always been this way? what about roses? did it have something to do with them?

before jisung could process any of the questions, he abruptly stopped. this caused him to instantly snap out of thoughts, taking a few moments to observe his surroundings.

where was he? was he outside? just what is this place? jisung stayed quiet, looking around the view before him. he was certainly outside that's for sure, he couldn't forget about the peculiar crimson sky, neither could he forget about the strange things he'd find out there.

"urm, where is this place?" jisung found himself asking out of nowhere, his eyes soon set on a particular object that brought him to his attention.

as if, running towards it out of instinct, he immediately kneeled down while slightly widening his eyes in amaze. "woah, you guys actually have roses here? i thought it was just-" jisung then stopped himself, looking up to face chan who just stared down at him.

chan said nothing as he walked a bit closer towards him, unable to lay his eyes off him. jisung looked at him quietly for a moment, soon swifting his head back to the roses the moment he realised he was almost trapped under his stare.

"but they're unusually black, i've never seen one before." jisung almost mumbled to himself, continuously staring at the pitch black petals.

here it was again, silence. at this point, it didn't bother jisung. he was rather far too busy admiring the roses that he didn't seem to be expecting any response from the older.

it wasn't until he decided to reach over to touch them, extending his arms out moments later. "do you like them?" widening his eyes slightly again, jisung finally turned around to stare into chan's red glowing eyes.

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